Helping Atlanta Truck Accident VictimsMake Full Recoveries Their Personal Injuries

Research by the Georgia Department of Public Health reveals motor vehicle accidents are the number one cause of injury deaths and the second leading cause of all hospitalizations and emergency room visits in the state of Georgia.

From Interstates 85, 75, and 20 to state highways and residential city streets, semi-truck accidents are a constant threat on the roads of our fast-growing and even faster-moving city. From North Buckhead to Princeton Lakes and all points in between, Atlanta truck accidents inflict injuries that leave victims with severe, lifelong challenges. We’re here to do whatever we can to help these Atlanta residents.

Did you suffer serious injuries in an Atlanta truck accident? Are you struggling to cope with new limitations, serious medical expenses, and ongoing pain from your injuries?

In many cases, truck accident victims can obtain compensation with an Atlanta truck accident claim. While a truck accident claim won’t magically heal you after an accident, it can give you the funds you need to pay off your medical bills and manage your other expenses while you focus on recovering from the injury.

If you need legal assistance after your truck accident, or if you need more answers to questions about your claim, contact a compassionate Atlanta truck accident lawyers at Stewart J Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers.

We are a national law firm with multiple offices around the country, including Atlanta. We also work with affiliate law firms in most states that share our focus and dedication to excellence. No matter where you are located, we may be able to help you, so call or contact us now. We are open for FREE, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so contact us now to submit your case for review.

With over two decades of experience helping commercial vehicle accident victims in Atlanta recover monetary compensation for personal injuries, Stewart J Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, is ready to steer you to success!

Truck Accident Lawyer, Stewart J. Guss


Georgia Truck Accident Statistics

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Get a Free Consultation from an Atlanta Truck Accident Attorney

If you suffered serious injuries in an Atlanta truck accident, don’t wait another second to contact an Atlanta truck accident attorney. Learn all about your rights, right now!

An Atlanta truck accident attorney brings an array of advantages to the pursuit of your claim. Many truck accident victims discover that by working with an experienced attorney, they can substantially increase the compensation they receive for their injuries. Others report that a truck accident attorney conducted a more thorough investigation, offered peace of mind, or helped negotiate effectively on their behalf.

Call now for a free consultation and find out what we can do for you and your family.

Seeking Compensation After an Atlanta Semi-Truck Accident

After an Atlanta truck accident, you know you deserve compensation—but just how much, exactly?

No attorney can guarantee the exact amount of compensation you will receive from a truck accident claim, but luckily, truck drivers usually carry much more substantial insurance policies than drivers who operate traditional passenger vehicles. A good settlement from an Atlanta truck accident claim can prove life-changing, especially when you’re drowning in medical bills.

In an Atlanta truck accident claim, the value of the case depends on the total of all the losses a victim has suffered. These losses, called “damages,” can be split into two categories: economic and non-economic.

Economic Damages In Georgia

Economic damages are losses that are easily tracked and proven with bills and receipts. Economic damages include:

  • Emergency treatment and emergency transport, such as an ambulance ride.
  • Surgeries and procedures to help treat your injuries (Keep an eye out for multiple bills for some of these! Many hospitals base their billing on the entity that performed a specific procedure.)
  • Diagnostic imaging like x-rays and MRIs.
  • Prescription medication and medical equipment like crutches, braces, wheelchairs, etc.
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation.
  • Home modifications to accommodate your injuries (widened doorways, wheelchair ramps, etc)
  • Property damage like repairing a damaged vehicle or replacing a totaled vehicle.
  • Lost income. This is a big one. Lost wages can really add up, especially when you consider the fact that your bills are higher than ever. Did you miss time at work due to your truck accident in Atlanta? How much? Most employers do not offer sick leave policies that will cover the kind of time you will need to recover after serious truck accident injuries, especially the types of injuries that can leave you out of work for months. As a result, you may find yourself struggling to manage your finances. Thankfully, you can include compensation for those lost wages as part of your truck accident claim.

Non-economic Damages In Georgia

Non-economic damages, on the other hand, include the mental turmoil you experience after a truck accident, such as pain and suffering, anxiety, insecurity due to disfigurement or disability, and loss of enjoyment of life. If you’re missing out on important events and experiences, or if your relationships are suffering due to your accident injuries, you deserve to be compensated.

An Atlanta truck accident attorney can help you learn more about including pain and suffering as part of your truck accident claim.

Wrongful Death Claims After an Atlanta Trucking Accident

Truck crashes are often fatal, leaving behind grieving survivors and relatives. What are their options for justice?

While no amount of compensation can ever fill the void left by the death of a loved one, a wrongful death suit can help families achieve closure and overcome the financial hurdles they encounter, such as funeral expenses. Interested? Reach out to one of our Atlanta truck accident lawyers, and you’ll be treated with the patience, compassion, and sensitivity you deserve.

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Common Causes of Atlanta 18-Wheeler Accidents

The FMCSA discovered the top three most common truck driver violations were as follows:

Not updating logbooks. Truckers are supposed to record their service hours in order to allot break times and avoid fatigued driving.

Speeding 10 miles or less over the speed limit.

Not wearing seat belts. (According to recent data, 14% of the truck occupants who died in fatal crashes weren’t wearing their seat belts.)

In addition to these truck driver errors, large trucks like 18-wheelers are just plain difficult to maneuver. They require more time to stop, have plenty of blind spots, and are prone to rollover accidents.

Other common causes of truck accidents include:

Distracted Driving Truck Accident

Distracted driving is dangerous, whether the distractions are visual (taking your eyes off the road to look at a map, for example), manual (using one hand to type out a text or eat a snack), or mental (daydreaming), it only takes a split second for an accident to happen. Speaking of distractions, you should know Georgia's "Hands Free Law" went into effect in July 2018. Under this law, drivers cannot hold their phones while driving. No text-based communication is allowed, but drivers can still consult their phones for directions and they can still take phone calls if they have hands-free devices like Bluetooth headsets. Violators face fines of up to $150.

Fatigued Driver Trucking Accident

Truck driver service hour regulations exist for a reason. Rest is important! If a truck driver falls asleep at the wheel, they may drift into an oncoming lane of traffic.

Aggressive Driving 18 Wheeler Accident

Sometimes, in an attempt to meet a deadline for work, truck drivers take risks. They may drive aggressively or speedily. Trucks make wide turns, and jackknife truck accidents can easily happen this way. Additionally, if truckers do not check their blind spots before changing lanes, they could sideswipe a car in a neighboring lane.

Truck Driver Drunk Driving

Every year, alcohol contributes to more than 200 fatal truck accidents in Georgia. Fulton County, which contains Atlanta and is the most populous county in Georgia, has seen alcohol-related auto accidents increase by nearly 50% in recent years. Even though trucking companies are supposed to conduct routine drug testing, they don’t always follow this rule. Truck drivers may drink or use drugs to stave off boredom during long drives.

Semi-Truck Mechanical Issues

Big trucks are prone to many mechanical issues like tire blowouts, faulty brakes, shifting cargo, and more. As such, they require routine inspection. Trucking companies are responsible for conducting these inspections and keeping everyone safe.

Environmental Factors

Here in Georgia, in 2010 and 2011, rural car accident fatalities outnumbered urban car accident fatalities. However, in the years since, urban car accident rates have climbed to nearly double that of rural car accident rates. If roads are poorly designed, i.e., with sharp curves or inadequate signage, crashes may happen. Additionally, debris and inclement weather conditions like wind, ice, rain, or snow can increase your risk of accidents.

If you’ve been the victim of a truck accident in Atlanta, contact us now. No matter what caused your accident, our Atlanta truck accident lawyers are ready to fight for you.

Americas Attorney Interview, Stewart J. Guss

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Determining Liability for anAtlanta Commercial Truck Accident

Most obviously, the truck driver who caused the accident bears liability for the accident. Commercial truck drivers usually carry substantial commercial insurance policies designed to protect them against exactly that possibility.

However, other factors can also contribute, leading to other parties potentially sharing liability for the accident and, therefore, for your injuries. Who else can you hold accountable?

The Truck Driver’s Employer

Did the employer fail to maintain the vehicle, leading to an accident properly? Did the employer have unreasonable expectations for the truck driver, including driving in unsafe conditions or exceeding the federal restrictions for the number of hours they can spend behind the wheel each day? Did the driver’s employer continue to employ a driver with a history of frequently causing accidents in the past? Often, in cases like these, the driver’s employer will share liability for the accident.

The Truck Manufacturer

Truck manufacturers have a responsibility to produce safe and defect-free vehicles. When a mechanical error causes an accident, your attorney may investigate the manufacturer to see if the company shares liability for the accident.

The Company that Loaded the Truck

Shifting load accident? Cargo falling off the back of the truck? These types of accidents could place liability upon the company that loaded the truck. This occurs far more often in Atlanta than you might think.

The Fleet Mechanic

Fleet mechanics routinely inspect semi trucks to ensure they are safe for the road. If a mechanic overlooked a problem that later caused an accident, they could be liable for any accident-related injuries.

Evidence in an Atlanta Truck Accident Case

Once you know who is at fault for a truck accident, how can you prove it? Evidence in a truck accident case might include:

  • Witness testimony
  • Truck black boxes
  • Truck camera footage or other surveillance video
  • Log books and trucking company records
  • Cell phone records

Truck accidents are complex, and they leave little room for error. It’s important to go over all the details with an experienced Atlanta truck accident lawyer. By conducting a thorough investigation, an attorney can help you determine fault and pursue the maximum possible compensation for your claim. Get help from our Atlanta trucking accident law firm today!

Atlanta Truck Accident Injuries

When huge semi trucks crash into smaller vehicles, the results are devastating. At Stewart J Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, we’ve seen the shockwaves truck accidents send through the lives of victims and their families. A traumatic brain injury can make it impossible for them to regulate their emotions or focus on a task. A spinal cord injury can leave them paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair for the rest of their life. Unfortunately, this is a painful reality for many Atlanta residents, but we are committed to doing everything in our power to help our clients achieve financial stability and focus on healing.

Many survivors of truck accidents cope with these injuries:

Traumatic Brain Injury

Victims with traumatic brain injury may notice changes to every area of their lives as a result of their injuries. In fact, some even suffer from altered personalities after the accident, which can make it incredibly difficult to maintain relationships with friends and loved ones. Other symptoms can prove equally problematic.

Traumatic brain injury victims can have difficulty concentrating on the task at hand. Losing memories doesn’t just happen in the movies, either: While many traumatic brain injury victims lose long-term memories as a result of their injuries, others may find themselves with gaps in short-term memory. Victims may constantly forget what they need to do or lose the locations of items that they set down just seconds before.

Not only that, but many victims with traumatic brain injury also have physical symptoms. Sleep disturbances occur all too commonly: either sleeping too much, as the brain tries to heal itself, or struggling to fall asleep at all, sometimes because of fears related to time spent in a coma after the accident. Victims may also notice ringing in their ears or tunnel vision.

Traumatic brain injury also creates substantial problems with emotional regulation. Many victims find themselves responding improperly to emotional stimuli or struggling to hold back extreme emotional reactions over relatively minor concerns.

Thanks to this grouping of symptoms, many victims of traumatic brain injury have a hard time going back to work after their injuries. Even minor traumatic brain injury can cause symptoms more than a year after the initial accident. More serious traumatic brain injury can leave the victim with lifelong symptoms.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries can put a victim in a wheelchair for the rest of their life. If the injury occurs high on the spinal cord, it can also limit mobility in the hands and arms. Additionally, victims often struggle with decreased organ function below the site of the injury, leading to digestive upset or bladder and bowel control challenges.

Spinal cord injury victims commonly need to change professions or shift their professional plans, especially if they previously worked in highly physical professions. Even incomplete spinal cord injury can serve to substantially decrease mobility, which may mean that the victim needs to make a career shift. In other cases, work of any kind may no longer be possible for the truck accident victim.


The sheer force of a truck accident can crush limbs and lead to injuries requiring amputations. Many victims also face amputation due to factors that occur in the aftermath of the accident. In some cases, doctors may recommend removing a crushed limb because restricted blood flow to the limb can cause the tissue to die.

Amputations can leave many victims with lifelong disabilities. Often, victims adapt with the use of a prosthetic device. While this device may make mobility easier, it also means an ongoing expense for amputees. Amputees usually have to replace their prosthetics within the first year after the accident, as the shape of the stump can change dramatically during that time. They frequently replace prosthetic devices every three to five years, since they wear out with regular use over time.


In addition to the fire hazards that exist in any car accident, which can leave victims with severe burns as they try to get away from their vehicles, accidents with tanker trucks can pose an additional burn hazard: chemical burns. Tanker trucks carrying hazardous chemicals can spill those chemicals in an accident, posing substantial burn danger to accident victims and rescue workers alike.

Burns cause more pain than nearly any other type of injury. Burn victims usually have considerable scarring, which can have a deep psychological effect on the victim long after the accident itself. If you suffer serious burns, even plastic surgery may not fully restore your former appearance.

In addition to the other challenges associated with severe burns, burn victims face a high rate of complication. They often need to stay in a special burn unit to help decrease the risk of infection. Even still, burn victims may have ongoing complications, including the need for multiple skin grafts. As a result, their medical bills may rise much higher than initially anticipated.

Broken Bones

Broken bones can cause serious limitations to your mobility and leave you struggling to get around. Not only that, you may find it impossible to take care of yourself or complete your job responsibilities, especially if you suffered multiple broken bones.

In an accident, drivers often brace themselves against the steering wheel automatically. This reflex can actually increase the risk of broken bones in the hands and arms. Victims may also suffer from broken bones in the legs or torso depending on where the force from the accident hits and how they connect with the vehicle or its surroundings.

No matter what kind of truck accident injury you are coping with, we believe you deserve compensation. At Stewart J Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, we are wholeheartedly committed to your recovery.

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What to Do Aftera Truck Accident in Atlanta

If you’re ever the victim of an Atlanta truck accident, here are some steps to follow:

Seek Medical Attention

When a big rig truck hits a smaller vehicle, injuries are pretty much guaranteed. We know many clients worry about the costs of medical bills, but you should never postpone medical treatment. Serious injuries may worsen or go undetected until it’s too late.

When you open a case with us, we can connect you to the medical care you need at no upfront cost. Plus, consistent medical records show insurance companies exactly how much money they owe you! Get examined as soon as possible after your accident and follow your doctor’s orders, because any gaps in treatment could harm your case.

Gather Evidence

If you’re able to, use your phone to take plenty of photos of the scene. Exchange information with the trucker, and make note of the trucking company and license plate number. Get contact information from any witnesses at the scene as well. All together, this will be important evidence for your case!

Open a Truck Accident Claim

Report the accident to your own insurance company. If another insurance company reaches out to you and offers you money, don’t fall for it. This usually means the insurance company knows its policyholder is at fault and wants to trick you into settling quickly for far less than you truly deserve. Never sign any documents or provide any recorded statements to an insurance company until you’ve consulted an Atlanta truck accident attorney first! On to step number four...

Get an Atlanta Truck Accident Lawyer

If you were hurt in a truck accident, you might not know what you’re entitled to, but it’s our job to find out! Call the 18-wheeler accident lawyers at Stewart J Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers or contact us online.

Don’t miss your chance at compensation. You have a limited amount of time to take action, since the statute of limitations for truck accidents in Georgia is two years. Put your 18 wheeler accident attorney to work right away to ensure the best possible outcome for your case.

Truck Accident Statute of Limitations in Atlanta

Like any personal injury claim, your truck accident claim will have a strict deadline known as the statute of limitations.

The statute of limitations for truck accidents in Atlanta is two years. Two years may seem like a long time, but remember, your attorney will need time to build a strong case. Don’t waste another moment. Speak with one of our live experts today and find out how to get the money you need.

Atlanta Truck Accident FAQ

Below you’ll find answers to common questions we hear from victims of Atlanta 18 wheeler crashes:

How much does an Atlanta truck accident lawyer cost?

Nothing at all! The lawyers at our Atlanta personal injury firm work on a contingency fee basis. This means once your case is totally settled, your lawyer collects their payment from a portion of your final award. They don’t get paid unless you get paid! If they lose the case, they get nothing at all. Questions? Speak to a live expert now for a free case evaluation and learn more about your options.

How long does a truck accident lawsuit last?

From start to finish, a truck accident lawsuit could take anywhere from a few months to a few years. A few different factors will shape this timeline. First off, all medical treatment should be completed before a truck accident injury claim’s value is calculated. If you’re still in treatment, you might not receive a settlement check for several more months. However, don’t be tempted to rush through your course of treatment. You don’t want to close your case, reinjure yourself, and end up saddled with future medical bills! Second, if the insurance companies are particularly stubborn, they’ll stall in an attempt to wear you down and make you settle for less. A skilled Atlanta 18 wheeler accident lawyer won’t let that happen!

How much is my Atlanta truck accident case worth?

Every accident is unique, and so is every case’s value. A variety of factors impact the amount of compensation you can expect from your Atlanta truck accident case. Most importantly, your legal team will consider the severity of your injuries and how the accident happened. Settlements for truck accident cases often reach millions of dollars. We’ve secured compensation for victims of hundreds of big truck accidents in Atlanta. Let our next victory be yours!

How does a truck accident injury claim work?

After you report the accident to the insurance company, a claim will be opened and an investigation will be conducted to determine who was responsible. Both sides collect evidence during this period. Insurance adjusters may come out to inspect the vehicles that were involved in the accident. Once you have completed any necessary medical treatments or surgeries, your expenses can be tallied and your lawyer can begin negotiating your settlement. Insurance companies may ask you for a recorded statement or try to shut you up with a quick, measly settlement offer. If they can’t find a way to blame you and throw out your case entirely, then they just want to close it quickly and protect their bottom line. Never speak to the insurance company by yourself. Review all offers carefully with your truck accident lawyer and direct all further communication to them.

What is comparative negligence, and what does it mean for me?

Georgia follows a modified comparative negligence rule. What does that legal jargon really mean? It may come as a surprise, but even if you were hurt in a truck accident, you can still be partially blamed for it. The compensation you receive from your case would then be reduced by your percentage of fault. For example, if investigators decide a truck driver is 80% at fault for your accident but you are 20% at fault, your final settlement amount would be reduced by 20%. If your damages totaled $50,000, you would only be awarded $40,000. Partnering with an Atlanta truck accident attorney can help you minimize your fault and maximize your settlement.

Got a Question? Contact the Trust Guss Team

Do I Really Needan Atlanta Truck Accident Lawyer?

We’ll be honest: legally, you don’t need a lawyer to handle a truck accident case. However, because of catastrophic damages and numerous liable parties, a truck accident personal injury claim can get overwhelming. Plus, insurance companies aren’t on your side. They will contradict you and argue with you, adding to the stress you must deal with and preventing you from getting the settlement you deserve.

Don’t let them take advantage of you during your time of need.

Trucking companies have professional legal teams on their side for accidents like these. Why shouldn’t you?

At Stewart J Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, our truck accident attorneys have over 20 years of experience helping personal injury victims get their lives back on track.

Truck Accident Claim Complications

Truck accidents are far trickier than the average fender bender. Due to their massive size and weight, when trucks smash into other smaller vehicles, vulnerable motorcyclists, or pedestrians, they cause a huge amount of destruction. Cargo can add additional weight, and cargo spillage from an overturned truck is hazardous for everyone in the area.

Additionally, truck accidents often involve multiple liable parties, as we mentioned above. Make sure the lawyer you choose to represent you is backed by a talented investigative team that can determine liability and set your case up for success.

Finally, there are numerous sets of laws that impact a truck accident injury case. Your lawyer needs to be knowledgeable about local Georgia laws, interstate commerce laws, FMCSA regulations, and more. All of these could alter your chances at compensation, for better or worse!

How An Atlanta Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help You

If you’re stressed out and struggling to cope with physical, emotional, or financial struggles after an Atlanta 18-wheeler accident, we’ve made it our mission to help. We can assist you by:

  • Preserving and collecting evidence
  • Conducting in-depth investigations
  • Determining liability with the help of expert witnesses
  • Connecting you with healthcare providers at no charge
  • Tracking expenses and estimating the value of your claim
  • Negotiating with insurance companies to secure the maximum possible settlement for you
  • Filing a truck accident lawsuit and going to trial if a fair settlement offer cannot be reached out of court

Did you suffer truck accident injuries in Atlanta? Need an experienced Atlanta truck accident attorney? For a fast, free, confidential consultation from local 18-wheeler accident attorneys in Atlanta, make the call now.

After a truck accident in Atlanta, an attorney can help you learn more about the compensation you deserve. Their advice can also help you avoid getting caught in the traps set by insurance companies. If you receive any settlement offer, consult an experienced Atlanta truck accident attorney before accepting since that offer might not reflect the compensation you really deserve!

Contact Stewart J Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, today for a free consultation with a dedicated Atlanta truck accident lawyer. Learn more about your legal rights following a serious truck accident. You may have the right to compensation for your injuries. Don’t wait to pursue what is rightfully yours.


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Guss, has a phenomenal Team and has hired great staff that is very caring! They are not too pushy but provide you with the information to make an informed decision. They are also really resourceful! Some of the staff have had real experiences that happened to them and were also taken great care of which prompted them to begin working for such a great law firm. Thank you Guss and Associates.

Stewart J. Guss and his team did an outstanding job handling my case.


From start to finish, they were professional, attentive, and incredibly effective. I was thrilled with the results – they secured a settlement that was twice what I expected! Their expertise and dedication truly set them apart. I highly recommend Stewart J. Guss for anyone in need of top-notch legal representation.

Mr. Stewart Guss is such a kind and caring attorney.


Mr. Stewart Guss is such a kind and caring attorney. In a world of attorneys that is very difficult to maneuver these days he stands out from the crowd not only for his expertise but for his integrity. Should you need a personal injury attorney to help you with a case do not hesitate; Run and get his help. You won’t regret it!!

I had the best experience with this firm. I have never gotten in an accident, so I didn’t know the process or what to expect at all.


I worked with Whitney and Kristen and they explained everything thoroughly from start to finish. They were always prompt in responding to any questions or concerns I had, and always kept me updated. My sister had also used them and I didn’t even know, but they said they liked working with them so that put me at ease. They honestly made a really great impression on me. And I would definite...

I recommend Mr. Guss to anyone who seeks hard-working staff.


The law office of Stewart J Guss has very friendly staff, and is always accurate and reliable.  They got me what I deserved and was fast and on point with the whole case. They keep you up-to-date with your case and return any calls you place to them in a timely manner.  They answer your questions and concerns appropriately for all parties involved.  I recommend Mr. Guss to anyone...

I made the right decision to choose Stewart J Guss law firm.


I made the right decision to choose Stewart J Guss law firm. Especially thanks to Ms Andrea Yoss and Whitzney. They were professional and communicative. Though it took time longer than expected but it was finally settled well. I highly recommended the law firm to anyone whom need help with auto accident cases!

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Atlanta, GA 30303

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