If you suffered serious injuries in a truck accident in Katy, Texas, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, mental anguish, physical pain, property damage, and more. Our dedicated personal injury lawyers at Trust Guss have over 30 years of experience in taking on large trucking companies and insurance carriers and winning.

Our esteemed truck accident lawyers in Katy will fight relentlessly for your rights so you can refocus your energy on the healing process after your injuries. We work on a contingency fee basis, so you do not have to pay any legal fees unless we are successful with your claim. Call us today to set up a no-cost case evaluation, as the time you have to file your truck accident case is limited.

Truck Accident Lawyer, Stewart J. Guss

How Can A Truck Accident Lawyer In Katy Help?

Truck accidents can cause severe damage, leaving many victims with life-altering injuries. While you may have a valid claim, unfortunately, many trucking and insurance companies may refuse to accept liability. Our knowledgeable personal injury lawyers are seasoned veterans when it comes to overcoming these kinds of obstacles and will build a solid, robust case that maximizes your chances of claiming just compensation. We can help you in the following ways:

  • Investigating the accident
  • Gathering critical evidence
  • Identifying the liable parties
  • Calculating the full extent of the damages you are owed 
  • Protecting you from taking the blame for the truck collision
  • Taking your case to court if necessary
  • Filing your claim within the statute of limitations
  • Providing you with unwavering support throughout every phase of your legal ordeal
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National Trucking Accident Attorney Stewart J. Guss discusses trucking safety on national news with Mike Papantonio on America’s Lawyer

Why Are Truck Accidents So Dangerous?

There are several factors that make truck accidents more dangerous than other types of collisions on the road, outlined below:

  • Trucks are massive – Tractor-trailers typically weigh around 40 tons, while a traditional passenger vehicle weighs 2 tons or less. What this means is that trucks are 20 to 30 times heavier than most cars on the road, increasing the risk of injuries and fatalities for other motorists. The massive size of trucks makes them especially difficult to maneuver.
  • Trucks are tall – In addition to being unusually heavy, trucks are also significantly taller than most other vehicle types. Because they have a higher center of gravity, there is an increased risk of rollovers, particularly when sharp curves appear. A truck can also create a windstorm that sucks smaller vehicles beneath it due to its height.
  • Blindspots – Commercial trucks often have significant blindspots on all sides. If a car is traveling within one of these blind spots, its safety may be at risk. A good rule of thumb to think about is that if you can’t see the truck driver in their side mirror, there’s a high likelihood that the truck driver cannot see you either.
  • Stopping distances – Commercial trucks need more time to come to a safe stop when compared with passenger vehicles. To visualize what this means, imagine that a truck traveling along the highway will need a distance of at least two football fields in order to complete a safe stop. When the truck is carrying extra cargo or is operating under adverse weather conditions, the stopping distance needed is even greater.
  • Turns – Because of their shape and size, commercial trucks have difficulty making turns and typically need at least 55 feet to do so. Cars on the road need to be particularly vigilant when a truck is making a right turn so that they don’t get caught in a “squeeze.”

What Causes Truck Accidents?

Truck accidents in Katy and elsewhere occur due to a variety of reasons, including but not limited to the following:

Exhaustion – In spite of regulations that limit service hours, many commercial truck drivers stay on the road while fatigued, working long hours without taking breaks. According to industry experts, about 13% of truck accidents are due to exhausted truck drivers. 

Bad weather – All of the weak points of commercial trucks, such as their need for greater stopping distances, blindspots, and higher centers of gravity, are exasperated in bad weather. Poor visibility can compromise the truck driver's reaction time and ability to see hazards on the road ahead of time.

Speeding – Driving faster than the speed limit or faster than is safe according to the conditions of the road can pose tremendous risks for other drivers. The momentum gained by a large commercial truck when it is speeding can be devastating in a collision. All the vulnerabilities of trucks such as their high centers of gravity, blindspots, and required stopping distances, can be amplified by speeding.

Untrained drivers – While drivers must complete certain training requirements to pass the CDL test, they do not often have real-world experience in handling a massive truck on the road. Driver shortages have forced some trucking companies to limit the length of their training programs, allowing inexperienced new truck drivers to become hazards on the road.

Poor truck maintenance – Because commercial trucks travel across thousands of miles each year, their mechanical parts are subject to significant wear and tear. The trucks must be regularly maintained and checked for safety, with their tires, brakes, and electrical systems evaluated frequently.

Distracted driving – Driving a truck across the country can be lonely and boring. This makes truck drivers especially vulnerable to distractions, like texting, talking on the phone, online shopping, playing computer games, eating, smoking, drinking, or sightseeing. In recent studies, around 71% of commercial truck drivers involved in accidents were determined to be distracted by something else when the collision occurred.

Intoxication – Despite the lowering of the blood alcohol concentration limit for commercial truck operators and consistent testing, many individuals continue to drive while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol. Some drivers knowingly put others at risk on the road, while others may be unaware that the medications they are taking are inhibiting their judgment and ability to safely operate a vehicle. Even so-called harmless over-the-counter medications can reduce reaction time as well as the driver’s ability to properly survey their surroundings.

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What Damages Can I Collect After a Katy Truck Accident?

Damages after a truck accident are divided into economic and non-economic categories. Economic damages cover such losses as:

  • Property damage
  • Current and future medical bills
  • Lost wages and diminished earning capacity
  • Out-of-pockets expense

Non-economic damages cover non-tangible aspects of your losses and may include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Depression and PTSD
  • Scarring/disfigurement

In cases where extreme malice can be proven, the state of Texas may allow for punitive damages. Rather than focusing on compensating the victim, these kinds of damages are aimed at punishing the liable party and deterring others from acting in a similarly reckless and egregious fashion.

What Types Of Injuries Can Occur After A Truck Accident?

Because trucks have so much mass and force, when they are involved in collisions, there is the potential for devastating injuries to victims, some of which may be life-changing. Our dedicated truck accident lawyers in Katy, TX, can help you recover damages for the following types of injuries if you have been victimized by someone else’s negligence or recklessness on the road:

  • Neck and back injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Sprains
  • Whiplash
  • Crushing injuries
  • Burns
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Internal organ damage
  • Road rash
  • Concussions
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Paralysis
  • Nerve damage
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Eye injuries
  • Wrongful death
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Why Choose Trust Guss? 

For over 30 years, our Trust Guss truck accident lawyers in Katy have been providing clients with exemplary service, relentlessly fighting to protect their rights and claim the maximum in compensation allowable under the law. We handle all communication, filing, and negotiating, allowing you to focus on what really matters after a traumatizing truck collision in Katy, TX – your healing process. When you reach out to our firm, you will always speak with a real, live human being, as we believe that clear communication is the foundation of a successful claim. We take all cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you will not owe any legal fees upfront and will not have to pay a dime until we win your case. These are just a few of the hundreds of reasons why our clients have given us over 1400 five-star reviews and counting. 

Stewart J. Guss founded Trust Guss in 1999 and since then, has continued to adhere to his core mission of providing a “Clients First” approach. Today, Trust Guss has grown to include over 100 legal professionals in four states, showcasing our impressive national reach. Stewart was raised in Texas, receiving his Juris Doctor Degree from the University of Houston Law Center. He is an active member of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association and is continuously recognized for his outstanding casework and genuine passion for justice. He was named in the top one percent of American personal injury attorneys by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel and has garnered praise. Contact us today!

Stewart J. Guss, Attorney at Law

Katy Office

6701 Hwy Blvd Suite 205,
Katy, TX 77494

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