
Man yawning in the car

Are Tired Drivers More Likely to Get into Accidents?

Tired drivers, wake up! Driving while sleepy is dangerous, and even the loss of an hour or two of shut-eye can put you at greater risk of a car accident. A 2016 study by the Foundation for Traffic Safety succinctly outlines the dangers of driving while tired. Know the warning sig...

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picture of potholes in a dirt road

Road Defects Can Be a Major Cause of Traffic Accidents

The Washington Post reported in 2009 that poor road design or conditions played a role in more than half of all fatal automobile accidents in the United States, resulting in more deaths than any other single factor, including speeding, drunk driving, and not using seat belts. Des...

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Woman upset in a car with hands over her face

Do You Need a Lawyer to Recover After a Car Accident?

If you've been injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you should first seek medical attention and then consult with a Texas personal injury attorney. Car accidents are notoriously complex and establishing and proving fault can require many reso...

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car in snow

Taking a Road Trip? Watch out for Winter Weather Accidents.

Winter weather accidents are perhaps some of the worst accidents to witness. In many cases, drivers lose control of their 4000 pound vehicles as they slide down the road into guardrails, other vehicles, or worse, pedestrians. Impaired drivers leaving holiday parties pose a seriou...

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BEWARE: “Unavoidable Accident” Insurance Defense on Icy or Wet Roads!

Houston was hit with one of its rare, but dangerous, winter storms this morning. Many Houston drivers stayed home and off the roads because of icy conditions.  As we saw on the news, however, many people stayed on the road and there were too many unfortunate accidents...

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WARNING: Insurance Trick – “Telephone Release” in Auto Accident Claim

I thought I'd seen all the dirty tricks insurance companies use settle claims dirty and cheap, but there's a new trick on the block: Telephone releases.  I signed up a new client last week who told me that he had been given a $500.00 charge card to use to pay for his m...

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