
Two people discussing a contract over a desk

How Do You Negotiate A Car Accident Settlement Without A Lawyer in New Orleans?

Stewart J Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, New Orleans Office400 Poydras Tower Poydras St Suite 1975 New Orleans, LA 70130 Fun fact: Louisiana is home to more than 3 million licensed drivers. Unfortunately, it's also the site of around 45,000 injurious car crashes each...

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Hour Glass sand

How Long Does It Take to Settle A Personal Injury Case in New Orleans?

Stewart J Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, New Orleans Office400 Poydras Tower Poydras St Suite 1975 New Orleans, LA 70130 Caught in a game of phone tag with the insurance company? Left in the dark about the status of your claim? You're not the only one. For some ins...

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Angry person driving

Houston Road Rage

The Consequences of Angry DriversRoad rage is a serious problem in Houston and throughout the United States. Drivers are running low on patience and high on stress as they navigate Texas highways and busy city streets. When drivers lose their temper and lash out at another drive...

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Trip and Fall vs. Slip and Fall Injuries – Is There a Difference?

Having worked on premises liability cases in Texas for almost 20 years, I'm often asked if there is a difference between a "trip and fall" and a "slip and fall" injury case. Okay, so I'll just start with this - if you've fallen and been hurt, this is a distinction without a...

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What Kind of Cases Do Personal Injury Lawyers Handle in Louisiana?

Stewart J Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, New Orleans Office400 Poydras Tower Poydras St Suite 1975 New Orleans, LA 70130 The legal field encompasses many roles. Different kinds of attorneys deal with different kinds of problems. (You wouldn't get divorce lawyer to...

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man in a suit holding a cell phone

When Should You Contact A Lawyer After An Accident in Louisiana?

A car accident can turn your life upside down. You may be in pain, out of work, in need of a ride, financially strained, or all of the above! Luckily, if your injuries were caused by someone else's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. But what if the insurance c...

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Evaluate and Calculate spelled out on blocks

How is Pain and Suffering Calculated in Louisiana?

An average of 160,000 Louisiana car accidents are reported every year. Even if the drivers and passengers involved in these accidents are lucky enough to avoid common car accident injuries, they're still shaken up. They may be anxious to drive on the same road or to get int...

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Infographic about getting hit by debris while driving

Getting Hit by Debris While You’re Driving

Six Facts About These Accidents That Nobody Wants You to KnowWhen you're driving, you may be afraid of a crash with a drunk driver or a distracted driver running you off the road. We all think of possible collisions with other vehicles, but we may not consider other real r...

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Leg in a Cast

Can I Sue after a Fall in a Nursing Home?

Thousands of nursing home residents are injured in accidental falls each year. In fact, according to information published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between one-half and three-quarters of nursing home residents fall each year. Fortunately, some of t...

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an older couple in a convertable

Texas Road Trip Gems

Going your own way in the Lone Star State.Summer is here, and we're all revved up for a road trip! Do you and your family want to get out and enjoy some fresh air, stunning sights, and quirky finds in the Lone Star State? Are you trying to plan the best Texas road trip rou...

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