Accidentes y lesiones personales

Las lesiones personales pueden resultar de muchos tipos de accidentes. Los diferentes accidentes requieren una experiencia legal diferente para obtener el mejor resultado posible, por lo que su equipo de abogados necesita experiencia con situaciones similares a las suyas. Nuestros abogados de lesiones y profesionales legales comúnmente manejan reclamos que involucran:

  • Accidentes automovilísticos – El tráfico en Dallas nunca es una experiencia agradable, con muchos automóviles y camiones en la carretera a cualquier hora del día o de la noche. Puede leer los titulares sobre los accidentes graves de vehículos motorizados en la ciudad todos los días y estos accidentes a menudo resultan en lesiones graves o incluso fatales. Si se encuentra en una colisión trasera, una colisión frontal, un accidente de un solo vehículo o cualquier otro tipo de colisión, puede hallarse en el hospital con lesiones graves. Muchos accidentes automovilísticos son causados por partes negligentes, incluidos conductores peligrosos o fabricantes de automóviles que venden vehículos a pesar de los peligros. Esas partes deben enfrentar la responsabilidad por cualquier daño que haya incurrido.
  • Accidentes de camiones Algunos de los accidentes de tráfico más peligrosos incluyen grandes camiones comerciales. Los conductores de camiones y las compañías de camiones pueden cometer errores que causan que camiones enormes se estrellen contra vehículos más pequeños, lo que a menudo causa lesiones y daños devastadores. Las compañías de camiones trabajan arduamente para mantener los costos bajos al evitar la responsabilidad, por lo que necesita un equipo correcto y contundente de abogados y profesionales legales de su lado que pueda manejar estas, a menudo complicadas, reclamaciones de accidentes de camiones.
  • Accidentes de peatones – En un minuto, usted camina en la acera como cualquier otro día, y en el siguiente minuto se dirige al hospital con lesiones traumáticas graves. Si un automóvil lo atropella como peatón, se pueden producir lesiones catastróficas y traumas mentales. Sabemos cómo hacer que los conductores distraídos, los conductores que no ceden y cualquier otro conductor negligente sea responsable de las lesiones de peatones que causen.
  • Accidentes de motocicleta Conducir una motocicleta alrededor de Dallas puede ser emocionante, pero también lo pone en riesgo de accidentes peligrosos. Las motocicletas son difíciles de ver y es posible que muchos conductores no presten suficiente atención para notarlo en su motocicleta. Un solo conductor puede interrumpir su vida al dejarlo lesionado o incluso incapacitado permanentemente. Necesita un bufete de abogados que sepa cómo buscar la compensación que necesita después de un accidente de motocicleta.
  • Accidentes de bicicletas – Aunque Dallas se ha vuelto más amigable con las bicicletas en los últimos años, los conductores todavía se estrellan regularmente en bicicletas en toda el área metropolitana. No es sorprendente que el ciclista resulte más gravemente herido después de chocar con un automóvil o camión. Las lesiones que sufren los ciclistas a menudo son graves y pueden incluir huesos rotos, lesiones faciales, conmociones cerebrales e incluso lesiones de la médula espinal. En los casos más graves, los ciclistas lesionados desarrollan discapacidades permanentes que los dañan cada día de sus vidas. Cuando la negligencia de los automovilistas causa estos accidentes, los ciclistas generalmente pueden obtener una indemnización, por lo que las víctimas deben hablar con nuestro equipo de profesionales legales acerca de sus accidentes lo antes posible.
  • Resbalones, tropezones y caídas – Slip and fall accidents are among the most common causes of accidents in the Dallas area. >While many people think they are minor incidents, in reality, slips and falls can leave victims with serious injuries that can injure them for years, such as fractures, traumatic brain injuries and nerve damage. >In cases where an accident occurred due to slips and falls in the property of another person, the victims could obtain compensation for all their losses related to the accident. >Whether the victims have the legal right to recover will depend on the specific facts surrounding their cases, so always review your case with our team of lawyers and legal professionals after you fall down and get hurt.
  • Facility liability - In addition to slips and falls, many accidents may occur on another person's property or in a business. >Accidents in swimming pools, accidents in hotels, accidents in theme parks and accidents in sports stadiums that may cause injuries. >Texas law expects business owners and property owners to keep their facilities safe for visitors and, if they do not, we can take legal action on their behalf to hold them liable.
  • Construction worker accidents - It should not surprise anyone that construction is a dangerous industry. >The crews work near traffic, from heights, and with power tools and heavy machinery on a daily basis. >Unfortunately, electrical accidents, falls, blows by objects and other accidents are very common in construction sites. >If you are injured in the workplace, Texas law may entitle you to meaningful compensation. >Do not wait to discuss your rights with a member of our team.
  • Dangerous pharmaceutical products - The medicines are supposed to help us, they do not hurt us. >Unfortunately, many of the big pharmaceutical companies are more concerned about implementing new products than taking the time to make sure their pharmaceuticals are safe. >Many drugs, because of this, can cause dangerous side effects and injuries to patients. >If your medication or medical device caused you serious injuries, you need a law firm that is not afraid to face big pharmaceutical companies on your behalf.
  • Abuse in a nursing home - Abuse in a nursing home is an under-reported problem that affects thousands of residents of nursing homes each year. >It can include physical, emotional or even financial abuse. >The loved ones of residents of nursing homes should be informed about the signs of abuse and take immediate action if they suspect abuse or neglect.

In addition to handling accident cases, our firm has helped clients with traumatic injuries. >We take all injuries seriously and understand that physical and mental injuries may require extensive medical treatment and can cause large amounts of pain and suffering. >The following are just some examples of injuries with which we have helped our clients:

  • Spinal cord injuries.
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Soft tissue injuries.
  • Fractures
  • Internal injuries
  • Amputations
  • Electrical injuries
  • Burns
  • Fatal accidents

Each accident and injury is unique and we handle each claim as such. >No matter what happened in your situation, never hesitate to call us and talk about ways we can help.

Why choose our law firm?

You can choose from many different personal injury law firms that handle cases in or around Dallas. >However, not all law firms know how to successfully handle your type of personal injury case. >Some injury companies simply try to resolve each case as quickly as possible, which can result in a much smaller settlement than it really deserves. >Other companies may not have the resources or experience to fully investigate what happened in their accident and gather the evidence needed to demonstrate the full extent of their damage. >He does not want to risk taking responsibility for medical costs and other losses because he did not hire a law firm that knew how to defend his rights. Stewart J. Guss and his team of attorneys and legal professionals are committed to providing the highest quality legal representation to each client. >While we aggressively confront insurance companies and negligent parties, we always treat our clients like a family. >You will receive the respect and attention your case needs for the best possible resolution. >We have decades of experience behind us, which allows us to serve as dedicated and effective advocates of their rights. Many accident victims stopped calling a law firm because they are concerned about the cost of legal services. >After all, if you are looking at a stack of medical bills and other unpaid expenses while unable to work, the last thing you need is another financial burden. >The good news is that ANYONE can afford to hire the team of lawyers and legal professionals at Stewart J. Guss, Abogados. Our firm handles personal injury cases with a contingency fee, which means you do not owe us anything until your case is resolved. >Inquiries are always free, so call our office to discuss how we can help and why you can afford to obtain representation from our firm. Our firm is widely recognized in Dallas, throughout Texas and even throughout the United States. >Contact us today to find out why our law firm is unique and to discuss your rights and legal options.

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Playing hard with insurance companies

If you were injured in an accident, you are likely to meet with an insurance company. >The representatives of the insurance companies have a way of making you feel that they are on your side and want to do everything possible to solve your case. Do not be fooled >Even if the insurance company grants the fault and liability on the part of the policy holder, the insurance will do EVERYTHING to minimize your payment. >These are for-profit companies, and they remain profitable by employing strategies to pay less than they contribute, including:

  • Make low offers before a victim has the opportunity to hire a lawyer
  • Request that victims make recorded statements regarding their version of the events, expecting the victim to say something that harms their cases
  • Taking an unreasonable time to "process" the claims, with the hope that the victims will renounce or accept lower offers only to end the process.

These tactics can be difficult to handle, especially when you are seriously injured, you have pain and you are not sure when, or even if you can return to work. >Fortunately, you have help available. The aggressive team of lawyers and legal professionals Stewart J. Guss, knows all the tricks of insurance companies and we are not willing to continue their games. >We will fight for your right to recover compensation and gather evidence that clearly demonstrates your losses, both economic and non-economic. We have helped many victims of personal injury to seek compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Quality of life lost.
  • Damage to property
  • Pain and physical and emotional suffering.

We can determine an appropriate settlement amount in your case and do everything possible to make sure you recover full compensation for your losses. >If the insurance company does not pay the agreement to which it is entitled, we will not hesitate to take your case to court. >We are skilled negotiators and aggressive litigators, and like our client, you can be sure that we will do everything possible to obtain the best possible resolution for your case.

Contact our personal injury law firm in Dallas, Texas, as soon as possible

The team of attorneys and legal professionals of Stewart J. Guss, are nationally recognized for protecting the rights of injured victims for more than 20 years. >We are confident in our ability to help victims of accident injuries in Dallas. >We bring experience, unity, compassion and resources to the table of each case. If you were injured in the Dallas area, call our office right now for a free consultation!

Because we take all of our personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, you will not owe us a CENT unless we win your case. >We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so call us today at 866-674-5289 or contact us now, CLICK HERE . >There is too much on the line to wait longer. Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Lawyers 10 Pacific Avenue, Suite 6000 >Dallas, TX 75201 Do not take risks - let us help you!

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