
wheel smoking

Street Racing Accidents in Texas

Driving is dangerous enough without people driving recklessly. Unfortunately, many people disregard the safety of others for their own thrills. Street racing is just one prevalent example. If you or a loved one was injured because of someone's poor decision to street race i...

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Cars in traffic

When Other Drivers Won’t Keep a Safe Distance Between Cars—What You Need to Know

We all know tailgating is annoying, but it can also be dangerous. Most drivers understand that maintaining a safe distance from the vehicle in front of them is critical in preventing a deadly crash. However, many motorists misjudge what actually constitutes a safe distance. When...

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Car Fires: How They Start and What You Need to Do if It Happens to You

Although motor vehicle fires are less frequent than other types of accidents, they are more likely to result in devastating injuries, debilitating pain, and even death. Those victims that survive this horrific accident not only have to endure catastrophic lifelong trauma and exte...

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Road Rash

Road Rash 101

As kids, we all learn how painful it is to get a raspberry. Little Leaguers get them sliding into home base. Children on bikes and skateboards get them when they take a spill. They HURT. They look ugly. And they need lots of band aids. That said, raspberries heal, and they rarely...

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teenage looking guy smiling and holding a drivers license

Talk to Your Teen About What to Do After a Car Wreck

Teen drivers are the stuff of parental nightmares. When your teens first take to the road, you are destined for dread. Learning to drive, however, is a natural step in the progression toward the independence of adulthood. If your teen's was involved in a car accident, howev...

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truck driving in the distance

Wet Pavement and Reckless Drivers—A Deadly Combination

When rain and thunderstorms roll into town, collisions on wet roadways always seem to follow. From single-car wrecks to multi-vehicle collisions and pileups, accidents in rainy weather can inflict devastating damage to vehicles and catastrophic injuries to their occupants. There...

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Woman on the phone next to a scratched car

Importance of Houston Police Department Accident Reports

Accident reports are one of the most important documents you have access to following a roadway accident. There are two distinct reports which may be filed in Houston. The one filed by law enforcement who arrive on the scene is known as a CR-3, and the other, which may be filed b...

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Man taking photo of vehicle damage

What to Do After A Fender Bender

Don't surrender or lose your temper when a fender bender has rendered you injured! ...Did we lose you already with that tongue-twister? No? Great! Because we have some vital information that could help you. Car accidents, no matter how minor, leave you feeling shook. With a...

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A large highway

Frequent Fatalities: Why Houston is the Deadliest Place to Drive

Houston is a big, bustling city, but it's also an eternal work-in-progress, thanks to frequent roadwork. In our metropolitan melting pot, Houstonians are known for their pride. One label we might not be so proud of, however, is that of “deadliest major metro area for...

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Person taking a picture of a car accident

Texas Car Accident Reports

If you're one of the more than 200,000 people injured in a Texas auto accident, or a surviving family member of one of the more than 3,000 people who lose their lives on a Texas roadway in a car accident every year, we know you have questions. One of the first issues y...

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