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These days, it’s almost standard procedure for insurance adjusters to ask you to answer a few questions or provide a recorded statement about your accident. However, you are not obligated to comply with these requests. In fact, attorneys strongly advise against it!

Why? When it comes to recorded statements, even the smallest comment could be twisted and used against you.

secrets of accident claims against geico revealed

For example, if they ask how you’re doing, you might automatically respond “fine,” even though you are struggling with pain each day. The GEICO claims adjuster can then take your simple response and use it to argue that you don’t deserve payment for pain and suffering since you feel “fine.”

It sounds shocking and sneaky, but it’s that easy for an adjuster to take a single word out of context to try to reduce or deny your claim. Don’t risk creating a weakness in your defenses. Direct all insurance communication to your personal injury attorney instead.

Some adjusters may tell you that the law entitles them to a recorded statement or that giving them a recorded statement is necessary to settle government employees insurance company auto claims. This is not true.

Unless you file a lawsuit in civil court, the insurer does not have the right to demand a recorded conversation, and you have the right to refuse. It is important to know your rights throughout every step of the GEICO insurance claim process, so you don't get taken advantage of.

As with any personal injury claim, you never want to bring a claim against GEICO on your own. You deserve the support of an experienced legal team. Thanks to their commercials, most people assume that GEICO is a consumer-friendly company… but GEICO didn’t accumulate over $44 billion in assets by generously paying valid claims. On the contrary, GEICO is run by shrewd business executives who know how to make a profit—and pay themselves handsomely. The average GEICO executive makes $230,152, and a previous CEO made $12.4 million! In order to generate enough profit to sustain these salary levels and pay their hefty advertising budget, they focus heavily on reducing payouts to deserving claimants like you.

Also, be aware when you are dealing with a GEICO claims adjuster, they may record you without even asking first! While you may assume this is against the law, it may shock you to learn that in many states, only one party needs to know about a recording to make it lawful. This means that you could think you were simply answering questions informally when in reality, the adjuster recorded you. This brings us to our next Secret of GEICO claims …


Always be cautious about what you say to adjusters. It is wise to keep your responses to a minimum or direct all communication to your car accident lawyer. Soon after a crash with a GEICO policyholder, you can bet an adjuster will start calling. They’ll attempt to pry into various aspects of your accident. You should only provide them with the basics, such as your own personal identifying information and the time and place of the crash.

There are many things you should NOT discuss with the GEICO claim adjuster at this stage of the claim! Topics to avoid discussing include the following:

  • How the accident happened, and what you were doing in the time before the crash
  • Your medical diagnosis and treatment
  • Your medical expenses thus far
  • The amount of time you had to miss work
  • How your injuries may affect your life. Including your daily activities, recreational activities, pain levels, and general suffering from your injuries

These things are important, but they can all be definitively proven by the evidence your car accident lawyer collects. Don’t try to speculate or share any details prematurely. There’s a chance you will say something inaccurate that they can twist around and use against you. This is especially important if you don’t know whether you’re being recorded. For example, imagine you’ve only missed two days of work at the time of the call. But you find out later that you need surgery that will keep you bedridden for a month.

The adjuster will attempt to cite your claim of only missing two days of work, even though that isn’t the truth!

While you may think there’s no harm in telling your side of the story to an insurance adjuster, beware! They’re on the lookout for any ammunition they can use against you. If possible, they will repurpose your words in order to limit your settlement offer. You may think it’s rude to refuse to answer questions. But it is your legal right, and it’s in your best interest!

Long story short: if a GEICO claim adjuster tries to talk to you about your accident and injuries, politely decline. Immediately call an attorney who knows what to say and what not to say during the accident insurance claim process.

Our lawyers know how important it is to watch what you say when dealing with a GEICO claims adjuster. We can handle all communications with GEICO to make sure that nothing harmful goes on the record.

Protect your rights, protect your claim, and receive the money you need. Contact our office right now at 866-959-0975 or fill out this simple form for a free consultation today.

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Know Your Legal Rights After A Car Accident


When you’ve diligently kept track of your accident-related medical bills and submitted them to GEICO, you expect them to add everything up and come back with a settlement offer that covers it all, right?

Unfortunately, GEICO doesn’t always play fair.

GEICO is one of many insurance companies that ignores the actual dollar amounts of your medical expenses. Instead, they replace the total with what they call “usual and customary charges.” This means that GEICO brings in its own medical professionals to decide whether or not your expenses were typical for the type of treatments you received and the location you received the treatment. These assessments may be biased, and GEICO may accuse you or your doctor of exaggerating. They will base a settlement offer on their new estimated amount—which is usually much less than you actually owe.

If this seems unfair, that’s because it is! GEICO should not be able to retroactively decide how much your treatment should’ve cost. If your doctor thought specific types of treatment were necessary, you should feel comfortable receiving care without worrying whether the insurance company will cover the cost. Companies like GEICO shouldn’t make accident victims hesitate about getting the treatment they need, fearing the insurance company may discount the costs.

Luckily, a skilled personal injury law firm knows how to get the right proof. A dedicated GEICO car accident claim lawyer at Trust Guss Injury Lawyers can present substantial evidence that your expenses were in line with “usual and customary” medical practices in your region. We will argue that you deserve to have the full amount covered. We stand up against GEICO for the rights of injured victims like you every day. Our attorneys believe you should be able to follow your doctor’s orders, get the treatment you need, and have your legitimate GEICO claim cover your medical expenses. It’s only fair!

We know that your medical bills are fair, even if GEICO claims otherwise. We will always fight for full and fair compensation for your current and future medical expenses.


After a car accident, you may think you don’t need help calculating the value of your claim. After all, there’s a paper trail from the doctor, the auto shop, and others. The numbers are right there in black and white! Many people take their medical bills, add them to their car repair bills, and then submit that amount for a GEICO check claim. However, this is usually a much lower amount than you deserve. Chances are, you should actually be seeking substantially more in your GEICO claim. In reality, calculating damages after an accident is a complicated task. It requires a lot more than just adding up your bills. Here are some additional losses that our attorneys know how to accurately calculate to ensure you receive the full amount you deserve:

Future medical expenses

Your injuries don’t miraculously heal the moment you settle your insurance claim. You may need ongoing medical treatment or be coping with chronic pain for the rest of your life. Many car accident victims need ongoing treatment or therapy long after a crash. In some situations, it’s better to put a claim on hold until you complete all of your medical treatment so you and your doctors have a clearer prognosis. But we know this isn’t always possible. Statutes of limitations establish a window of opportunity for you to file an injury lawsuit. If you wait too long, you can lose your right to file a lawsuit. If time is short, we can roughly estimate your future medical expenses even if you haven’t yet undergone the treatment or received the bills. Thanks to the help of expert witnesses, economists, and medical providers, we can accurately determine how much you might have to pay for your future treatment.

Lost earnings

Many types of car accident injuries can prevent you from working, sometimes for months or even years! Even a few hours of missed work due to doctor’s visits or physical therapy can throw a wrench into your budget, leaving you struggling to cover basic expenses. This is why seeking compensation for your past and future lost income is critical to your GEICO claim. By reviewing your employer's pay stubs, time sheets, and statements, we can accurately estimate how much work and income you have missed and how much you’ll miss in the future.

Miscellaneous expenses

Accident injuries and related complications can snowball and turn your daily life upside down. If your car is totaled, you may be paying for a rental car or rideshare services. If you are bedridden from your injuries, you may be paying for additional help with childcare or chores. If you had a vacation planned and can no longer go, you may lose out on any non-refundable airfare, lodging, or other arrangements you already paid for. And what if you need to rent medical equipment? All of this adds up quickly and can drain your financial resources in no time. Fortunately, these injury-related costs may be recoverable in a car accident GEICO claim. A dedicated personal injury lawyer will consider all this and more!

Non-economic losses

After a car accident, your emotional pain and suffering are just as valid as your physical injuries. However, this turmoil cannot be easily measured in terms of traditional monetary cost. Calculating the value of non-economic loss for pain and suffering requires a specific approach, and this is one type of loss that GEICO claims adjusters frequently dispute. We can help.

Don’t back down. We see the big picture of how a car accident has impacted your life, and we’re ready to fight for what’s right. When you speak with a member of our legal team, we know the questions to ask to learn about all of your losses, not just your existing medical bills or car repairs. If you ask for too little when you file your GEICO claim, of course, the adjuster won’t ever argue with you! They’ll gladly stay quiet and never let you know you deserve more due to your injuries and financial losses. Instead, the GEICO claims adjuster will allow you to accept far less than you need and deserve, knowing you’ll have to pay out-of-pocket for the remainder of your losses. They are not on your side. They also know that you can’t come back and ask for more money after you already accepted a settlement, so they’re happy to have you accept a settlement they know is much too low. With years of experience standing up against GEICO, we can help you obtain the compensation you deserve. Call us right away at 866-959-0975 or submit your claim for evaluation now.

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This might not be a “secret” since almost everyone in negotiations wants the other party to accept the very first offer and go away without a fuss. However, GEICO claims adjusters work really hard to make sure you accept the first offer without realizing what a bad deal it is for you.

GEICO claims adjusters might use a recorded phone call to pressure you to hastily agree to settle the claim right away. They might promise to avoid delays and prioritize your claim as long as you promise to accept the initial offer. When you’re staring at a growing pile of bills after your accident, settling the claim as soon as possible may seem like the best idea at that time. But take it from us: it’s never a good idea to accept the very first offer.

Often, the first offer is the worst offer. An adjuster will make the lowest offer possible to protect their bottom line and then hope you’ll fall for it. If you accept this low offer, you enter a legally binding agreement that prevents you from seeking further compensation, no matter how many accident-related hardships pop up later. Don’t be taken advantage of! Here are some reasons why you should never accept an offer without first reviewing it with a lawyer:

  • The first offer is usually EXTREMELY LOW.
  • If you accept an offer too quickly, you may later realize your injuries are worse than you thought. You may not have not accounted for the additional expenses you will incur.
  • Once you accept an offer, the settlement agreement includes a waiver of your right to seek additional money from this accident. This includes expenses that continue to pile up after you agree to the settlement.
  • GEICO claims adjusters will try to convince you that swiftly accepting an offer is in your best interest. This is seldom true. Only an experienced attorney can appropriately assess offers. We provide knowledgeable advice based on a skilled evaluation of your claim’s true value.

Don’t trust GEICO claim adjusters. It could cost you dearly.

Instead, discuss whether a settlement offer will be sufficient with an experienced auto insurance claims attorney. Every day, we review offers and advise clients in your situation. We know whether it’s time to accept a settlement offer or whether we can negotiate for more compensation for you and your family. Don't miss out on the money you need. Protect your financial future by partnering with a dedicated injury claim attorney who will fight for you.

Too many car accident victims are fooled into believing the first offer is the final offer. When you are dealing with a GEICO claims adjuster, they may frame an offer as “all or nothing.” Vulnerable victims are left in the dark, unaware that they could continue to fight for a higher amount. We’re here to tell you our skilled negotiators are regularly able to get much higher amounts than are originally offered by GEICO and other major insurers. Never accept the first offer without consulting with us first. Remember, your consultation is 100% FREE!


You may never suspect that GEICO might try to purchase your hospital lien. This may sound like a good thing at first, but GEICO buys liens for much less than they are worth. GEICO then uses the purchase price as the “true” amount of your bills—even though they were originally much higher. Consider this example:

  • You owed $40,000 in medical debt
  • GEICO purchased your lien for $10,000
  • The GEICO adjuster now bases your settlement offer on the $10,000 amount

If you go to court, the jury only sees the $10,000 in bills and likely assumes your injuries were less serious than they were. This results in them awarding you much less for pain and suffering.

Without a lawyer, there’s not much you can do to combat this tactic. Our team of car accident lawyers knows how to “counterpunch” and fight for every penny you deserve.  We’re open RIGHT NOW, so call us at 866-959-0975 or submit your claim for evaluation through our online contact form.


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Many people automatically associate lawyers with fierce courtroom debates. We know the idea of going to court may seem stressful or intimidating. However, you must realize that a lawsuit may be necessary in your car accident cases to make sure you get all the compensation you need and deserve.

Our attorneys often negotiate with GEICO claim adjusters to obtain favorable settlement offers out of court. But it’s not always possible to resolve a case by filing a GEICO claim alone. This may happen when the insurer is disputing liability for the crash or when a victim’s injuries and losses are particularly severe. It is especially important to get full compensation when a car accident causes life-changing and permanent injuries. When GEICO refuses to cooperate and offer proper payment, the next step may be filing a civil personal injury lawsuit. However, don’t assume that filing a lawsuit means you’ll have to go to trial. Our attorneys regularly reach pre-trial settlements, so you don’t have to step foot in a courtroom!

Still, the litigation process is complicated. You want an experienced litigator who is familiar with your case and ready to file suit when the need arises. The following is a (very) brief overview of the car accident litigation process you might experience if GEICO refuses to treat you fairly. A successful personal injury lawyer must be skilled in:

  • Preparing and filing a persuasive complaint within the statute of limitations.
  • Discovery, which involves gathering evidence from the defendant(s) via depositions and written requests.
  • Filing motions with the court and arguing on your behalf at motion hearings.
  • Engaging in ongoing settlement negotiations throughout the entire pre-trial process.
  • Representing you at trial if settlement negotiations are not successful.

One important fact to remember: even though you’ll file your lawsuit against the responsible driver, GEICO will surely be paying any judgment amount up to the insurance policy limits. For this reason, GEICO will have to use its resources to defend against the lawsuit.

Too many law firms take the easy way out. They allow car accident victims to accept whatever settlement they can get from the insurance company and dodge any extra work. They want a quick “open and shut case.” These firms are often called “settlement mills,” which often result in inadequate client compensation.

We won’t stand for this. Our team is made up of skilled litigators who only want the best for our clients, even if it means taking your GEICO claim to civil court. Our goals are your goals and a victory for you is a victory for us!

Sometimes, just having the right representation at the beginning of a claim can show GEICO that you are serious about filing a lawsuit when needed. Our lawyers have opposed major insurance companies before. They know we won’t hesitate to file a civil lawsuit to stand up for our clients’ rights. Partnering with our team of legal professionals can show these companies that you mean business. This gives you leverage from the start.

Hiring a lawyer may even encourage the GEICO claims adjuster to offer what you deserve without the need for a lawsuit. Our national reputation for playing hardball with insurance companies like GEICO often helps to resolve claims faster and more efficiently for our clients!

Steward J. Guss - an Experienced Car Accident Attorney

Contact an Auto Accident Attorney Who Knows How to Handle Your GEICO Claim!

Overall, every car accident victim should be aware that auto insurance companies like GEICO play mind games and use tricks to limit their liability and increase their bottom lines. The insurance claims process is rarely straightforward. Without solid legal representation, it can be challenging to navigate.

GEICO wants you to file your claim online, talk to an adjuster from their claims center, and settle quickly. This is not in your best interest! Don’t get stuck with unsatisfactory results. Seek legal assistance right from the start of the process, and don’t face any more stress than you have to.

The nationally-recognized team of attorneys and legal professionals at Trust Guss Injury Lawyers are ruthless when it comes to resolving insurance claims. Including GEICO claims. For more than 20 years, we have fought for our clients. We bring the knowledge necessary to protect your rights both during the insurance claim process and in the courtroom.

Our lawyers can help you obtain the money you need from the other driver to pay for medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and more. We use your medical records, lost wages, car crash evidence, and more to build a unique case that is designed to recover the maximum compensation from the at-fault driver and their insurance company.

If you’re dealing with unfair treatment from GEICO after your car accident, you’re not alone. Our firm is here to help you get the relief you need. Call now for a risk-free case review and learn more about your options. Best of all, since we take all of our personal injury cases on a contingent fee basis, you will not owe us a DIME unless we win your case. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

We’re available 24/7 to discuss your case, so call us today or contact us now online. We want to provide you with the legal advice you need to choose the path that is best for you after a serious accident. Don't settle for a lower settlement amount than you deserve - call us today!


They are not too pushy but provide you with the information to make an informed decision.


Guss, has a phenomenal Team and has hired great staff that is very caring! They are not too pushy but provide you with the information to make an informed decision. They are also really resourceful! Some of the staff have had real experiences that happened to them and were also taken great care of which prompted them to begin working for such a great law firm. Thank you Guss and Associates.

Stewart J. Guss and his team did an outstanding job handling my case.


From start to finish, they were professional, attentive, and incredibly effective. I was thrilled with the results – they secured a settlement that was twice what I expected! Their expertise and dedication truly set them apart. I highly recommend Stewart J. Guss for anyone in need of top-notch legal representation.

Mr. Stewart Guss is such a kind and caring attorney.


Mr. Stewart Guss is such a kind and caring attorney. In a world of attorneys that is very difficult to maneuver these days he stands out from the crowd not only for his expertise but for his integrity. Should you need a personal injury attorney to help you with a case do not hesitate; Run and get his help. You won’t regret it!!

I had the best experience with this firm. I have never gotten in an accident, so I didn’t know the process or what to expect at all.


I worked with Whitney and Kristen and they explained everything thoroughly from start to finish. They were always prompt in responding to any questions or concerns I had, and always kept me updated. My sister had also used them and I didn’t even know, but they said they liked working with them so that put me at ease. They honestly made a really great impression on me. And I would definite...

I recommend Mr. Guss to anyone who seeks hard-working staff.


The law office of Stewart J Guss has very friendly staff, and is always accurate and reliable.  They got me what I deserved and was fast and on point with the whole case. They keep you up-to-date with your case and return any calls you place to them in a timely manner.  They answer your questions and concerns appropriately for all parties involved.  I recommend Mr. Guss to anyone...

I made the right decision to choose Stewart J Guss law firm.


I made the right decision to choose Stewart J Guss law firm. Especially thanks to Ms Andrea Yoss and Whitzney. They were professional and communicative. Though it took time longer than expected but it was finally settled well. I highly recommended the law firm to anyone whom need help with auto accident cases!

I was able to get the help I needed for an accident that wasn’t my fault.


I had an accident where I was at a stop light and it was drizzling and a car was turning the corner where I was at and turned the corner to quickly and hit me right on. My boyfriend found Stewart Guss law firm and Isis started things quickly started on my medical had me go get checked and get assistance in my pain. Isis was very helpful and kind. She got me through all of the headaches and I re...

I knew immediately that I was going to need a lawyer as I was feeling pain right after the wreck.


When I got in a car accident back in early 2018, I knew immediately that I was going to need a lawyer as I was feeling pain right after the wreck. After doing some google searching for a good personal injury lawyer I came across Stewart J. Guss’s site. I talked with someone about my case. They then proceeded to take on my case, and got me all the medical treatment(s) that I needed to try ...

The Law Office of Stewart Guss walked me through the whole process from the beginning until the end.


Things are a lot different when you’re on the other end of a car accident, there’s a lot of overwhelming emotions as well as confusion on where to start. Thankfully the Law Office of Stewart Guss walked me through the whole process from the beginning until the end. I had a lot of questions on what to expect and I felt like all my worries and questions were taken care of. They really...

I would recommend Stewart J. Guss to anyone that has been injured in a car accident.


I found the law office of Stewart J. Guss from a Google search after being involved in an accident after someone hit me running a red light. Ashley was very helpful throughout the entire process. She quickly got me into treatment for my injuries and kept me updated throughout the process. I would recommend Stewart J. Guss to anyone that has been injured in a car accident.

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