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Call the Trust Guss Team Today: 888-298-4070You suffered serious injuries in Illinois. Now, you have serious questions, including questions about your right to compensation. Contact Steward J. Guss or take a look at the FAQ below to learn more.
You suffered serious injuries in an accident, and you want to know who actually bears liability for those injuries. In fact, you need to know who bears liability before you can move forward with a personal injury claim! Luckily, a lawyer can help take over many of those tasks for you, providing you with a better look at everything you need to know to locate the liable party—or, in some cases, multiple liable parties—after your accident. Your lawyer will likely evaluate several key factors to determine liability.
Showing the act of negligence that the liable party committed can prove trickier—and having a lawyer on your side to help collect that vital evidence and establish your right to compensation can make the entire process much easier. Generally, negligent actions include careless or reckless decisions, usually made because the liable party failed to consider the consequences rather than because the liable party tried to deliberately take action against you.
Medical bills can pose a serious financial problem following an Illinois accident. The Advocate Health Care system, which runs through Illinois and most of the Midwest, means that most injury victims have ready access to medical care when they need it, but it does not come cheap. Often, accident victims find themselves racking up tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars of medical debt. Who has to pay for it? Following an injury, you, since you will receive treatment for those injuries, will have to make arrangements to pay your medical bills. If a child suffers injuries in an accident, the child’s parents will need to pay the medical bills.
Filing a personal injury claim can mean a long, complicated legal battle. Insurance companies rarely want to let go of the funds you need to help you recover from your injuries—and the financial losses that go along with those injuries—easily. You may find yourself fighting hard to get the insurance company to release the funds you deserve after the accident.
Establishing a duty of care to you can prove easier than you think. Suppose, for example, that you get involved in a drunk driving accident. The other driver automatically bears a duty of care to you because the two of you share the road. If you head to a building, either a public building or a private property where you had the right to go, and suffer injuries in a slip and fall, the owner of that building bore a duty of care to you.
For some people, the injury part of a personal injury claim gets tricky. To file a claim, you must show that you suffered damages due to the other party’s negligence. Sometimes, you may have grounds for a claim because you discovered immense financial damages. Most of the time, however, personal injury claims involve substantial injuries. If you did not suffer an injury, you might not have grounds for a claim.
If you have the legal right to enter someone else’s property, and you suffer injuries due to that party’s negligence, you may have the right to file a premises liability claim. Premises liability claims do not just let accident victims pursue compensation against businesses. They can also allow you to pursue a claim against a private homeowner.
Getting a settlement offer sounds like it should get you to the end of the road. Once you have that offer in hand, you can accept it and move forward with your life, right? Unfortunately, that settlement offer often represents just the beginning of your claim. Frequently, insurance companies will try to get to you soon after the accident, before you have a chance to fully consider how much compensation you might deserve or even go through the recovery process to learn more about what your medical bills will look like. That settlement offer might reflect just a small percentage of the compensation you really deserve for those severe injuries.
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