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Call the Trust Guss Team Today: 888-298-4070It would be misleading for anyone to tell you how much you can recover from your motorcycle accident claim. However, it is possible to anticipate the damages you are most likely to receive based on the severity of your injuries. Generally, you may expect to recover damages for your medical expenses, lost wages during your recovery, and property damages for repairing or replacing the motorcycle. Also, you may qualify for future medical costs and lost wages if the injuries are severe and likely to persist into the future or hinder you from performing your former duties. Alongside the special/economic damages, you may also receive general damages, i.e., compensation for pain and suffering, loss of consortium, etc. In case of wrongful death, the survivors of the decedent are entitled to damages such as the decedent’s pre-death medical expenses, loss of support, burial expenses, emotional distress, etc.
Generally, wearing a helmet while motorcycling is recommended for your safety. While the helmet does not entirely prevent injuries, it helps minimize the impact of the accident and the severity of the damages. In Texas, riders and motorcycle passengers under 21 years must wear a helmet. If you are at least 21 years, you may not wear a helmet as long as you:
If your loved one died through a wrongful death in a motorcycle accident caused by someone’s negligence, you could seek damages for their death. A lawyer can help you investigate the cause of their death, compile evidence, compute the appropriate damages, and file a compensation claim. Note that if you plan to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party, the statute of limitations (deadline) for wrongful death cases in Texas is two years from the date of death.
Yes. The law requires you to report to the police if the accident results in injuries, death, or substantial property damage. Besides, reporting the accident to the authorities creates an official record that you could use later to support your claim.
Texas transportation code prohibits lane splitting. If a vehicle hit you while lane splitting, you could be partly responsible for the accident. Different groups have been lobbying for the legalization of lane splitting. But until otherwise decided, lane splitting is not allowed.
Sometimes no-contact accidents happen, especially after a motorcyclist maneuvers to avoid colliding with a vehicle only to end up crashing. As long as the motorist acted negligently, causing you to maneuver dangerously to avoid a collision, they can be liable for the accident even if they did not hit you.
If you suffer injuries after a motorcycle accident, you should prioritize seeking medical help and preserving evidence to support your claims or refute negligence actions against you later. Essentially, you should:
It is not a must you hire a lawyer after a motorcycle accident. However, legal processes are part and parcel of the accident’s aftermath, especially if there are damages. Hiring a lawyer helps you navigate the processes in an informed manner and avoid legal pitfalls that might compromise the strength of your case or reinforce the claims filed against you. Ideally, a lawyer helps you:
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