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Sam’s Club is a convenient shopping option for many households and businesses. It’s easy to stock up on paper goods, frozen foods, meats, and other items at wholesale prices—especially if you have a lot of mouths to feed. Sam’s Club warehouses are huge, with many different aisles, which means many opportunities for dangerous situations. Unfortunately, the store’s reputation for helpfulness and convenience will vanish if you slip and fall and get injured at a Sam’s Club.

The Law Offices of Stewart J. Guss can help people who slip and fall at Sam’s Club. If you were injured in a Sam’s Club, you'll need to file a Sam's Club insurance claim. This means you need a law firm that knows how to fight and win these claims. Our attorneys have been beating major corporations like Sam’s at their own game for decades, so contact us online to discuss your case for free.

In the meantime, read on for some Sam's Club slip and fall secrets you should know.

SECRET #1: Sam’s Club and Walmart handle claims the same way.

We’ve talked about how complicated a Walmart slip and fall claim can be after suffering an injury on property owned by that mega-corporation. The retail giant doesn’t just have an insurance provider, it has a WHOLE COMPANY devoted to protecting Walmart from liability. Well, in case you didn’t know, Walmart and Sam’s Club have the same owners. That’s right—when you slip and fall in a Sam’s Club, you will face almost the same claim experience as a slip and fall in a Walmart!

Claims Management Inc. (CMI) is the company that will handle your Sam's Club injury claim. Trust us when we say we have a lot of experience dealing with Sam’s Club and Walmart customers who were hurt in those stores. Because of this, we know all of the games that CMI plays to delay or deny your claim. In fact, the entire purpose of CMI is to help Walmarts and Sam’s Clubs all over the country avoid paying claims whenever they can. CMI is NOT an easy company to work with in any way, and you need the right law firm on your side that knows how they work and how to fight for the payment you deserve.

SECRET #2: You CAN’T Trust CMI Adjusters After a Sam’s Club Injury!

A CMI insurance adjuster will probably call you soon after your fall, sometimes even while you are still in the emergency room! They’ll certainly express concern for your injuries and will promise you they’re trying to help. They’ll likely ask you to give a recorded statement about what happened in your slip and fall or other accident. The adjuster may even promise to cover your medical bills as long as you cooperate and give a statement.

It’s easy to believe the adjuster is on your side, but believe us—THEY ARE NOT! They are just trying to “soften you up” so you will give them what they want.

CMI adjusters, first and foremost, are protecting the interests of Sam’s Club. They want you to make a recorded statement because they’re hoping you’ll say something they can use to limit or deny your claim! They might tell you that you HAVE to give a statement for your claim to proceed. This is NOT TRUE. You have no obligation to give a recorded or written statement before you talk to an experienced slip and fall lawyer.

SECRET #3: You DO Have a Chance Against CMI When You Partner With the Right Sam's Club Insurance Claim Lawyers!

After reading this far, it may seem like there’s no hope to win an insurance battle after a Sam’s Club slip and fall. However, you just need the right warriors to fight your battle for you! It may feel like David vs. Goliath, but with our attorneys in your corner, you can rest easy and let us handle the battle for you.

Our office understands all of the tricks and tactics that CMI uses to protect Sam’s Club from liability and protect the company’s billion-dollar bottom line. Considering the vast sums of money it rakes in every year, the greed of this large corporation is amazing. Despite revenue of more than $600 billion, it will go to great lengths to avoid paying a few thousand dollars to customers who were wrongfully injured on its property. You need someone to stand up for your rights, and we are the team to do so.

Our attorneys will gather all possible evidence to support your claim and prove the extent of your financial losses. We’ll talk straight with you about any settlement offers and will make it clear to CMI that we won’t settle for anything less than what’s fair! We’ll use our negotiating skills to put pressure on CMI to make the offer you deserve.

If CMI refuses to cooperate, we won’t hesitate to file a lawsuit and go to war. Often, filing a lawsuit can give you a lot of leverage, and CMI’s offer may magically increase. If it doesn’t, we’ll continue with the litigation process to recover what you deserve. We’ve taken on Sam’s Club and CMI and beaten them time after time. We are ready to go to battle for you.

Don’t Try to Handle Your Sam’s Club Slip and Fall Claim Alone

Sam's Club slip and fall claims are NOT your average insurance claims. You don't need to try to handle one on your own. These companies use manipulative tactics to trick you into accepting a lowball settlement offer that can jeopardize your financial future. They are experts at convincing injured people like you to accept far less than they deserve. We know their tricks, and more importantly, they know who we are, too. When we’re on the job, they don’t even bother playing games; they come to the table ready to talk.

The attorneys of Trust Guss Injury Lawyers are nationally recognized slip and fall and trip and fall premises liability lawyers who have protected the rights of injured victims for more than 20 years. If you were injured in an accident at a Sam’s Club or any other store, and need to file a Sam's Club insurance claim, call our office right now to schedule a free consultation! Because we take all of our personal injury cases on a contingent fee basis, you will not owe us a DIME unless we win your case. To schedule your case evaluation, contact us online.

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