Motorcycle on the side of a street

Motorcycle Fatality Statistics

The National Highway Transit Safety Association (NHTSA) compiles data on fatal traffic accidents each year into its Traffic Safety Facts Sheet. NHTSA recently released new information on motorcycle accident fatalities. Many troubling trends can be observed:

  • The year 2021 was a deadly one for motorcyclists. There were 5,932 motorcycle riders killed in traffic accidents that year, accounting for 14 percent of all traffic fatalities. This is the highest number of motorcyclists killed on U.S. roadways since the NHTSA began collecting the Traffic Safety Fact Sheet data in 1975.
  • There was an 8 percent increase in motorcycle fatalities from 2020 to 2021.
  • An estimated 82,686 motorcycle riders were injured in 2021, representing a 5 percent increase from the 78,944 motorcyclists injured the year prior.
  • Thirty-six percent of motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes were riding without a valid motorcycle license.
  • Ninety-two percent of motorcycle fatalities occurred on non-interstate roads compared to 8 percent on interstates.
  • Fifty-seven percent of all fatal motorcycle crashes involved collisions with motor vehicles in transit.
  • Among two-vehicle motorcycle accidents that resulted in fatalities, 75 percent involved the motorcycle being struck in the front while only 8 percent involved the motorcycle being struck in the rear.
  • Of the 3,052 fatal two-vehicle crashes involving a motorcycle and another type of vehicle, 43 percent occurred while the vehicle was turning left while the motorcycles were going straight, passing, or overtaking other vehicles. Twenty-one percent involved both vehicles traveling forward.
  • Motorcycle fatalities among the 15-20 age group increased by 35 percent, from 218 in 2020 to 294 in 2021. Motorcycle fatalities in the 40-44 age group increased 23 percent from 432 to 531.
  • The average age of motorcycle riders killed in traffic accidents was 43.
  • One-third of all fatal motorcycle crashes involved speeding.
  • In states without universal helmet laws, 55 percent of motorcyclists were killed compared to just 9 percent in states with universal helmet laws.
  • NHTSA estimates that helmets saved the lives of 1,872 motorcyclists in 2017. If all motorcyclists had worn helmets, an additional 749 lives could have been saved.

More information, including state-specific data, can be found on Traffic Safety Facts Sheet. sp

How You Can Stay Safe on the Road

With all the risks, how can a motorcyclist stay safe on the road?

  • Wear a helmet! All helmets sold in the U.S. must now meet federal safety standards for performance.
  • Exercise particular caution at night, in inclement weather, and anytime visibility is decreased.
  • If you are a motorcycle passenger, make sure that your driver has a proper motorcycle operator’s license. All motorcycle drivers should have proper licensure and experience before entering public roadways.
  • How can passenger vehicle drivers keep the roads safe for motorcyclists?
  • Always watch for motorcycles. Use particular caution at night, during inclement weather and anytime visibility is decreased, which makes motorcycles even more difficult to see.
  • Eliminate all driver distractions – particularly smartphones, navigation systems, and other electronic devices.
  • Use your turn signal! This will help motorcyclists anticipate their movements and avoid a collision.

Contact an Experienced Houston Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident, contact the experienced team at Trust Guss Injury Lawyers to schedule your free consultation. Contact us online or call with any questions you may have about this difficult and overwhelming experience. We provide the personalized attention necessary to get the compensation you deserve

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