someone handing doctor money

Will I Need Surgery After a Car Accident?

It will not take long after a crash involving injuries for you to begin to feel the pressure from medical providers and facilities for payment of their services. When surgery is necessary for your treatment plan, whether in an emergency or to give you the best chance at healing, the medical costs can skyrocket quickly. The reality is that most people do not have the financial resources to pay for the unexpected and burdensome costs of medical treatment, such as surgery after a car crash. Even if a victim had the funds to meet the overwhelming medical costs, it should not be their responsibility when they are the victim of another party’s negligence. For example, when you suffer injuries and damages in a car accident because of the reckless and negligent actions of another, you may be eligible for compensation to cover your surgery, additional medical expenses and other damages.

Surgery After a Car Accident is a Common Treatment for Injuries

Traumatic injuries such as those that occur in a car crash often require surgery to save a patient’s life and minimize the extent of the damage to their body and health. However, many other injuries may not appear serious at first, but surgery becomes necessary to repair or promote healing for the victim. Surgery is not exclusive to catastrophic or life-threatening injuries. In some cases, a victim may need multiple surgeries over time to address their injuries or possible complications that arise during their recovery. Examples of common motor vehicle accident injuries that may require surgery:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Nerve injuries
  • Torn ligaments, muscles, or tendons
  • Lacerations or cuts that may cause significant scarring or deformity
  • Bone fractures or dislocations
  • Burns
  • Internal bleeding

Calculating Your Medical Costs After a Car Accident

The bills for your medical care and the treatment of your injuries can pile up in the days and weeks following a car accident. Furthermore, it can be difficult to determine what bills cover which procedures and treatments. Healthcare billing can get confusing as doctors, facilities, laboratories, and certain medical professionals bill separately for their services. Multiple providers can be involved in your care before, during, and after the surgery and rehabilitation. In addition, you may not have a clear picture of the full monetary extent of the medical services required for your injury for quite some time after an accident. A car accident attorney representing you in an insurance claim or lawsuit can help you sort out the medical damages and other compensation that may be available. As time passes, you will better understand not just your injuries but what the road to recovery from your injuries will look like and if any additional surgeries or other treatments are likely or necessary in the future.

Are Future Medical Expenses Recoverable in a Settlement or Lawsuit After an Injury?

Future medical expenses are not something an insurance company will bring up or offer to pay when trying to settle a claim. However, once a victim accepts a settlement, they cannot return to the insurer or party at fault if they later discover their injuries require more costly medical treatment or future surgeries. A knowledgeable and experienced car accident attorney representing a victim as part of a case will make certain to calculate and negotiate for all possible damages. While it is impossible to predict the future, your lawyer can work with your medical team to determine the likelihood of future medical intervention relating to your injuries and the potential costs of those medical services. The law allows victims to seek compensation for medical expenses they expect to face in the future due to the type of injury they sustain or the severity of the injury. Future medical expenses can be a significant portion of compensation, particularly for victims that suffer permanent disability. If they are not part of damage calculations during a settlement, a victim can face serious financial hardship in the future.

How Will You Pay for Your Medical Expenses After a Crash?

Victims of injuries understand that the medical care often necessary to treat injuries, such as surgery and hospitalization, is costly. Some accident victims may hesitate to seek the care they need, fearing the costs they could face afterward. Talk to a car accident lawyer about your claim and find out how you can cover your medical treatments, including surgery after a car accident.

Potential Options for Seeking Compensation for Medical Losses Related to Your Injuries

What path is available to each victim and how much compensation for the medical expenses each avenue may provide will differ from case to case. The first step in determining what compensation may be available is to determine what coverage you have personally and other insurance available through other parties to the case, such as the at-fault individual.

Health Insurance

Health insurance coverage is often the first line of coverage for medical care immediately after a crash. However, not all victims will have health insurance coverage, and coverage can vary widely. At a minimum, most victims are still likely responsible for portions of their care per their health insurance policy agreement. This can include copays, deductibles, co-insurance, and other out-of-pocket expenses. Depending on the health insurance policy, the high costs left to a victim can still significantly harm their financial well-being. A serious injury can require considerable medical intervention such as emergency transport, an ER visit, surgery, hospital stay, and additional treatment. The medical providers will seek anything not covered by your health insurance. However, there are other ways you can cover those losses after a car accident caused by the negligence of another party.

Vehicle Liability Insurance

Personal injury protection is one of the hallmarks of vehicle liability coverage. While car accidents can also cause significant property damage, the highest losses are often related to the care of injuries. Because of these high costs and potential burdens to victims, most states mandate that drivers carry minimum liability coverage in case an accident harms another person. In most cases, a car accident victim can seek compensation through an insurance claim for the coverage of medical costs relating to their injuries in addition to other damages. Unfortunately, an at-fault driver may not have the required car insurance coverage during an accident. In these cases, however, all hope is not lost. Victims may also seek compensation for their damages through their personal vehicle insurance coverage or uninsured motorist coverage, if available.

The Liable Parties

Coverage through insurance, whether health insurance or car insurance, can cover most, if not all, medical losses to a victim after a car accident. However, there are times when the coverage is not enough. Insufficient coverage is possible when injuries require intensive medical care and multiple surgeries or have detrimental future impacts that affect a victim’s ability to care for themselves or earn money. When health insurance coverage and a possible car insurance settlement are not enough to cover your losses, you may be able to seek compensation directly from the party or parties at fault for your injury. Under the law of personal injury, a victim has the recourse to seek compensation from a negligent party directly through a lawsuit for their losses. A discussion with your attorney can help you determine whether this is a possibility or even necessary. Parties that could be liable for a car accident injury resulting in surgery include:

  • The driver
  • The owner of the vehicle
  • An employer of the at-fault driver
  • A vehicle manufacturer

Should You Hire a Lawyer to Help You After a Car Accident Injury Requiring Surgical Intervention?

Stewart J. Guss Smiling
Stewart J. Guss, Houston Car Accident Attorney

The facts of each accident differ from case to case, but one underlying recommendation remains when any injury is involved, particularly one requiring surgery. When you are a victim suffering an injury in a car accident, you should immediately seek the help of a car accident attorney to determine the legal options and the best path forward. You are facing significant medical debt and expenses if you do not fight for the compensation that may be available in your case. A car accident attorney can help protect your financial security and recovery by representing you against the insurance companies and parties at fault for your injuries. While hiring a lawyer does not guarantee recovery, it does give you an advantage when dealing with insurers. Attorneys offer a stronger chance of successfully resolving your case to benefit your current and future needs.

How Much Compensation Can You Pursue After a Car Accident Involving Injuries?

The amount of money you can receive in your case to cover your surgery, medical costs, and other damages is not something that a lawyer can predict with certainty. However, your lawyer will work with you to calculate the maximum damages available under the law to help you fight for a fair settlement with an insurance company or court award. Although many factors can affect the amount of money you may receive in a car accident case, one of the most significant driving forces is the type and severity of injury you suffer. If your injury requires surgery, it is likely serious and has the potential to cause long-term problems or complications in the future, which may also affect how much money you can claim.

Types of Damages Available to Injury Victims of a Car Accident

As a car accident victim with injuries, your damages are not only the costs of your medical treatment. You have several additional damages you can sustain as an accident victim. How the injuries affect your life and how quickly you recover will also influence what other damages are available to you. A car accident attorney will calculate your damages to allow for informed negotiations with an insurer. With a number in mind, you can decide whether or not to accept a settlement offer or take action in court if necessary. Additional damages available in a car accident claim or lawsuit include:

  • Loss of income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Damage to your property
  • Impact on your quality of life and ability to enjoy your life

Will You Need to Sue to Get Compensation in Your Case?

A lawsuit is not necessary in most cases. Most car accident cases settle outside of court before the conclusion of a trial. If a lawsuit should become a consideration, your lawyer will discuss it with you and how to prepare so you can be positioned for success.

How Much Time Do You Have to Act After an Accident?

The length of time you have to decide whether you will take legal action in your case for compensation is not indefinite. Each state has statutes of limitations that guide how long a victim has to file an action against an insurer or at-fault party. In some states, this statute of limitations can be as little as one year. A car accident attorney can help you determine what statute of limitations applies in your case, how much time you have left, and ensure you remain within that time frame. Surgery is serious and can result in astronomical medical debt that can be overwhelming after a car accident. Contact an experienced car accident attorney for your free consultation and learn how they can help you cover your medical expenses and get relief after your accident.

How to Pay for Surgery After a Car Accident

The cost of surgery can seem daunting. You may already be struggling or out of work due to your injuries. Now you have to come up with the funds for surgery. How can you pay those bills?

1. Contact Your Health Insurance Company.

If you carry health insurance, it may provide vital coverage that will assist in paying for your surgeries and other medical costs. Contact your health insurance company as soon as possible after your accident to confirm the scope of your coverage. Your health insurance company will likely want to know more about the accident, including an explanation of who caused the accident, to determine legal liability for your injuries. When you speak with your health insurance company, ask what the company will cover when it comes to your medical expenses. You may have copays and deductibles to consider. Your insurance company may also limit what it pays for optional surgical procedures, such as plastic surgery to repair scars and disfigurement. By calling your insurance company directly, you can streamline claim approval and get a better idea of exactly what your insurance company will cover. That call can also help prepare you for what bills you can expect to come directly to you after your accident.

2. Get in Touch with a Car Accident Lawyer.

If you get into an auto accident that requires you to undergo surgery, contact a car crash lawyer to enquire about your rights. Take legal action to get compensation for your injuries, including your medical expenses. Every car accident has its own unique features, of course, but a car accident attorney will usually want to find out: Who caused your accident? To establish who may have legal liability to you for your injuries, your car accident attorney will often start by identifying all parties whose bad decisions or careless actions contributed to your accident. This might include:

  • The driver who caused your accident. The driver likely carries an auto insurance policy that provides coverage for vehicle damage and bodily injury caused in an accident. If that driver carries only the minimum auto insurance according to state requirements, however, it can substantially limit the compensation you can receive for your injuries. Many states require bodily injury coverage as low as $10,000 to $15,000 per individual harmed in an accident. Of course, if the driver has other substantial assets, you may have the right to receive payment from those as well.
  • The company the driver works for. In commercial vehicle accidents, the driver’s employer can share liability with the driver for an accident that happened on the clock. Not only do commercial drivers usually carry policies with higher limits for bodily injury coverage, employers often carry separate insurance policies that can help provide an accident victim with additional coverage and protection. A skilled car accident attorney can evaluate the driver’s employer and determine whether the employer shares liability for the crash.
  • The manufacturer of the vehicle. Vehicle manufacturers possess a heavy duty of care when it comes to protecting the drivers who buy their vehicles and others who share the road with them. Manufacturers who sell defective products or faulty parts can cause serious harm and should be held accountable. They can face legal liability to accident victims if their mechanical failure leads to a crash.
  • A mechanic who recently worked on the vehicle. Mechanics also owe their customers a duty of care. Of course, no one expects a mechanic to be a miracle worker or to spot every conceivable problem with a car. However, if a mechanic does work on a vehicle that makes it unreasonably dangerous to drive, then that mechanic may face liability for any accident that follows.
  • Government agencies. Yes, in some cases, you really can sue the government for a car accident. Local governments have duties to design, build, and maintain roads that are safe for travel. A government may face liability for allowing traffic on a road that is so dangerous that it would inevitably lead to an accident.
  • Others. Every car accident has its own unique facts and circumstances. Experienced car accident injury attorneys know to look at a crash carefully to spot anyone who may have legal liability for it. The more of those parties an attorney can find, as a general rule, the better a client’s chances of recovering maximum compensation.

How much compensation do you deserve? Once a car accident attorney identifies the party or parties that caused a client’s car accident, the next step is often to figure out how much money the client deserves for the injuries the crash caused. Because all accidents are different, this number can vary considerably from crash-to-crash. Here’s the good news: In virtually all car accident cases, the law allows crash victims to be compensated for the cost of surgery and other medical care to treat injuries suffered in the accident. Plus, victims may also have the right to receive compensation for the wages they lost because an injury kept them out of work temporarily or permanently. Finally, by taking legal action a crash victim might also receive compensation for pain and suffering and other non-monetary harm the accident inflicted. A skilled car crash lawyer works to develop a clear, iron-clad case for the maximum damages a client might recover. Then, the auto accident lawyer can get to work on planning and executing a legal strategy to get that money for the client. This will involve thorough litigation, negotiation, or a combination of the two.

3. Keep the Hospital Informed.

It can take time to receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries through a legal process. In the meantime, keep the hospital and your medical providers informed about your claims. Often, those providers will work with you to manage your medical bills while the legal process plays out. If you have serious surgical bills after an accident, then you need a serious lawyer—one who will fight hard to get you the compensation you need to pay for your injuries. CONTACT an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible after your accident to learn more about securing the compensation you deserve.

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