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Dedicated Trust Guss Intake Team
A motorcycle accident lawsuit can take time to complete. The wheels of the civil justice system move slowly—too slowly, 69 percent of surveyed attorneys feel. Despite reform efforts, the time it takes to resolve civil cases has not decreased.Many accident victims settle th...
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Motorcycle Fatality StatisticsThe National Highway Transit Safety Association (NHTSA) compiles data on fatal traffic accidents each year into its Traffic Safety Facts Sheet. NHTSA recently released new information on motorcycle accident fatalities. Many troubling trends can be o...
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Riding a motorcycle allows you to experience the outdoors in a way you wouldn't in an ordinary vehicle. Cruising on a motorbike makes you feel like a part of it. Add the exhilarating feeling of the breeze blowing past and the sun shining down on you, and the addiction to mo...
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Motorcycle accidents can change a person's life instantly, especially when catastrophic injuries, excruciating pain, and astronomical medical expenses follow. However, what makes these accidents even more challenging, is if the accident resulted from a failure to yield to t...
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Do you always wear a helmet while riding your motorcycle in Houston? If so, that constitutes a safe and wise decision. If not, then you need to get up to speed on the laws, facts, and realities of riding a motorcycle in Houston without a helmet. In this blog, we discuss motorcycl...
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A motorcycle accident in Houston can cause serious, even fatal, injuries. Every time a client comes to us suffering the pain and loss of a motorcycle wreck, our hearts go out. As motorcycle accident injury lawyers, we make our living fighting to recover compensation for injured b...
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Houston has a less-than-stellar reputation among motorcyclists. Check out the Houston motorcycling threads on any internet message board, and you're almost guaranteed to encounter warnings about the hazards of riding here. Traffic on the I-10 can be terrible. The loop can b...
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Any type of motorcycle crash can be severe and can cause serious injuries. However, when a motorcycle collides with a large semi truck, the resulting injuries to the motorcyclist can be particularly devastating. It is all too easy for a motorcyclist to be caught in a blind spot o...
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According to a recent study, distracted drivers cause about 16 percent of highway deaths—to say nothing of catastrophic injuries, which can leave victims paralyzed or fighting for their lives. If you like to ride a motorcycle, then you are particularly vulnerable to injurie...
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There are no federal laws that mandate helmet use when operating or riding as a passenger on a motorcycle. Two states, Iowa and Illinois, currently have no laws governing helmet use. Nineteen states have mandatory helmet laws for both operators and passengers. The remaining 29 st...
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Dedicated Trust Guss Intake Team