

How Much Money Do You Get From a Car Accident Settlement?

When you suffer injuries in a car accident, you may have a legal case against the responsible parties. Filing an insurance claim or lawsuit could allow you to recover damages. However, every case is different. How much money you get from a car accident settlement depends on the d...

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Man in an Car Accident in Houston

Are You At Fault If Someone Pulls Out In Front Of You?

It's a typical day of driving to work, or maybe to your kids’ soccer practice. The late afternoon sun is flashing through the trees of your neighborhood road. Traffic is moving along smoothly. You have the radio set to your favorite station. You look down at your inst...

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Person taking pictures of a car accident

Does A Fender Bender Count As An Accident?

While fender benders are often characterized as minor, they are still motor vehicle accidents. This means it's possible to file a claim with insurance companies to recover for any damages. Many insurance policies require individuals to report any accident, including fender...

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Car accident

Can You Sue After A Car Accident?

You can sue after a car accident, but whether you can recover compensation is a different matter. If you have been injured in a car accident due to no fault of your own, bringing a lawsuit is often the primary way you can recover compensation for your accident expenses. However...

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father teaching daughter to drive

Keeping Teen Drivers Safe

The #1 cause of death for American teens is car accidents. October's National Teen Driver Safety Week was established by Congress in 2007 as a way to raise awareness and seek solutions for a tragically persistent problem. Did you know? Teen drivers between the ages of 16 an...

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Ambulance and a crashed car

Should I Go to the Hospital After a Car Accident?

Many people refuse medical care immediately after an accident, only to find out that they actually sustained serious injuries. When you get into a car accident, you should always let the emergency medical technicians check you over, but keep in mind that first responders face lim...

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T bone accident

Who Bears Liability for a Houston T-Bone Accident?

Unfortunately, devastating T-bone accidents don't come with warnings. For instance, one minute you’re entering the intersection of Airline Drive and West Road, and the next, another driver has run through a red light, only to smash into the side of your vehicle. T-bon...

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Car accident

Where in Houston Do T-Bone Accidents Most Commonly Occur?

Those who live here in Houston, Texas, know car accidents happen far more often than they should. Recent statistics show the Houston area continues to have an alarmingly high number of car crashes per year with a variety of severe injuries. One of the worst crash scenarios and ca...

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Person taking a photo of a car accident

12 Things to Do After a Houston Car Accident

If you have never experienced a car accident before, you might feel uncertain about what to do in the minutes, hours, days, and weeks after the accident. Houston has notoriously heavy traffic and sees a high number of car crashes each year. If some careless or reckless driver cau...

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camera in the middle of the road with motion blur

Speeding Constitutes the Most Common Cause of Collisions in Houston

Severe and fatal traffic accidents occur in Houston and throughout Texas for various reasons. However, almost all traffic collisions are preventable, and some specific driver behaviors cause more crashes than others. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) warn...

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