
Car accident

Different Types of Car Accidents

Although most people drive cautiously, some are bound to drive recklessly—and injure other people as a result. No one anticipates a car accident, but afterward, you need an experienced car accident attorney you can trust. When someone's careless driving leaves you inj...

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man falling asleep while driving

How to Spot a Fatigued Driver

Driving safely demands that motorists remain clear-headed and ready to take on the immense responsibility inherent to driving. Fatigued drivers are incapable of shouldering this responsibility—they can't quickly and safely respond to the constantly changing hazards on...

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Car Accident at an Intersection. Who is at Fault?

A huge percentage of car accidents take place in intersections. Practicing hyper-vigilance when you're in intersections should become a critical element of your safety plan. Head into every intersection with your eyes wide open and remain on the lookout for the dangerous dr...

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Fighting to Win Compensation From Uninsured Drivers

Another driver has left you injured, and as a kind of double whammy, the negligent driver didn't bother to carry car insurance. Not good. Fortunately, there’s a mechanism for recovering on your losses even if the at-fault driver is uninsured.When you need to get down...

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list of types of car accidents

The Dangers of Head-On Collisions

Head-on collisions are the most terrifying and deadly of all traffic accidents, which is really saying something. The horrifying experience of another vehicle plowing into you head-on is difficult to comprehend. The consequences are nearly always devastating. If you or someone yo...

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Truck hitting a car

T-Bone Truck Accidents: Deadly Collisions

Truck accidents are among the most deadly traffic accidents on our roadways, and T-bone truck accidents are among the worst. Because of the massive size differential between semi-trucks and the cars we drive, such accidents cause extraordinary damage and injuries. If you or someo...

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A hitch

Hitch Accidents/Runaway Trailer Accidents

When Truck Drivers and Trucking Companies Are NegligentEvery truck accident is harrowing, but hitch accidents that result in runaway trailers are terrifying and often deadly. Trucking companies are responsible for sending safe truckers in safely manufactured and maintained truck...

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Car Accident FAQs

Our Experienced Attorneys Can Answer Your Car Accident Claim QuestionsWhen you look around after a car accident, you will see chaos all around you. You may see flashing lights, hear people crying, and begin to feel the pain of your injuries all at once. The world may seem to sta...

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Secrets for surviving a lyft accident

Four Secrets to Surviving a Lyft Accident

In 2017, Lyft reached the milestone of providing one-million rides per day. Without a doubt, Lyft and other ride-sharing companies have changed the way that people get around in cities around the world.Unfortunately, providing an alternative to traditional modes of transportatio...

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What to Do When Cars Hit Pedestrians

In cities across the country, pedestrians regularly walk in close proximity to cars and trucks as they zoom by. Some people enjoy spending time outside and getting low impact exercise. Others find walking to work a relaxing alternative to driving. If it's nice outside, MANY...

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