
all black motorcyclist

Louisiana Motorcycle Endorsements

Riding a motorcycle allows you to experience the outdoors in a way you wouldn't in an ordinary vehicle. Cruising on a motorbike makes you feel like a part of it. Add the exhilarating feeling of the breeze blowing past and the sun shining down on you, and the addiction to mo...

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Car accident

Is It Worth Suing an Uninsured Driver?

One out of every eight drivers lacks insurance. While the most common reason for driving without insurance is that the vehicle's owner can’t afford it, many drivers don’t agree with the automobile liability insurance system, or they think they are such a good dr...

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Person riding a motorcycle

Do Motorcycles Have the Right of Way?

Motorcycle accidents can change a person's life instantly, especially when catastrophic injuries, excruciating pain, and astronomical medical expenses follow. However, what makes these accidents even more challenging, is if the accident resulted from a failure to yield to t...

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Man at a table with his hands crossed

Do Lawyers Take Cases They Cannot Win?

If an accident ever injured you, you may feel inundated with information about personal injury lawyers. Sometimes, all it takes is a simple search for Houston personal injury lawyers, and suddenly your newsfeed fills with ads for another attorney.Most of us wonder why so many pe...

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Car on a flatbed truck

My Car Was Totaled and I’m Not at Fault. Now What?

If you find yourself in a totaled collision because of another person's reckless or negligent actions, you probably expect that the insurance company will help you get through this challenging ordeal by getting you the money you need.Unfortunately, many accident victims fi...

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Astroworld Injury Lawsuit banner

Travis Scott Concert Injury Lawyers

Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyer is now representing multiple victims of the Travis Scott Astroworld music festival tragedy. If you or a loved one got hurt at the Astroworld concert, call 832-263-8504 for a free consultation from our live experts. On Friday, November 5th...

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Car accident

Holiday Parking Lot Accidents & Safety

Did you know approximately 20% of all car accidents occur in parking lots? When you think about it, there's plenty to contend with in a parking lot: twists, turns, low visibility, crowds of distracted shoppers, and many moving vehicles. Whether they’re checking text m...

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A person driving through snowy trees

The Most Dangerous Season: Holiday Driving Facts & Safety Tips

The holidays can be a dangerous time to hit the road. No matter what our country is celebrating, there's always a spike in car accidents during the holiday season. Many families want to avoid crowded airports and train stations. Instead, they opt to take their personal vehi...

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Truck accident

T-Bone Truck Accidents In Houston: Understanding The Potential Dangers

Did you know a truck cab alone weighs between 10,000 and 25,000 pounds? Then there's the weight of the trailer and cargo, potentially adding tens of thousands of pounds that increase the force of the impact. A T-bone accident with a commercial truck in Houston can cause dev...

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Man with injuries holding a money bag

How Much Should I Ask for Pain and Suffering from a Car Accident?

When filing a car accident claim, clients are naturally curious as to how much money they can expect to recover. Expenses like surgeries or car repairs are clear and simple; the dollar amounts are printed right there on your bills and invoices. But what about the aches, the pains...

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