
Person walking across street

Who Covers Medical Expenses After a Pedestrian Accident

Not everyone travels by bus or car—some people choose to walk to nearby businesses or restaurants. Traffic signals, sidewalks, and crosswalks allow people to navigate the roads safely. However, they still are at risk of being hit by a motor vehicle. If a car or other vehicl...

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dent on car

Sideswipe Car Accidents and How to Recover From Them

A sideswipe car accident happens when two cars rub against each other's sides. Sideswipe accidents seemingly come out of nowhere, from outside of your line of vision. You can suffer damage to your car, physical damage to your body, significant expenses, and emotional upset...

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Three people in the front seats of a car

Road Trip Safety [Updated for 2022]

Who doesn't love a road trip? Fill up the tank, make a playlist, stock up on snacks, and get ready for some chill hours behind the wheel. Bring a friend or three to keep you company. Plot a course that takes you past a few sights, whether they’re natural wonders or le...

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Car accident

Car Accidents in Company Vehicles: Determining Liability

Every day, someone heads out of their home and jumps in their car to run an errand, take a trip to see a friend, or get back and forth to work. These seem like ordinary things to do, but sometimes normal things turn into scary events. Sadly, only some drivers exercise the proper...

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Person driving while on the phone

Five Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Getting into a Car Accident

The more time you spend behind the wheel, the more you understand the risks of driving. Regardless of safety warnings, speed limits, and caution signs, drivers crash into other vehicles daily. Chronically bad drivers could avoid crashes by making simple changes in how they operat...

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The word SETTLEMENT imposed over a judge's gavel.

What is A Reasonable Settlement for A Car Accident in Louisiana?

A wreck is a stressful time for anyone. As an injured victim, you're probably in pain, perplexed by the insurance process, and worried the damages might break the bank. If it’s your first accident, you may have no clue what is a fair settlement for a car accident. Gre...

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Toy cars on a desk

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident?

Your first thought after a car accident likely doesn't include, “Now I need to get a lawyer to help me handle this!”Most people assume that car accident claims will go through an insurance company. Insurance companies have policies to provide compensation, both...

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hands on a sterring wheel

Smoking and Driving: Does It Pose a Danger?

You have probably heard a great deal about many of the activities you should not engage in while driving. Most Americans know the dangers, for example, of texting and driving. You might even know the dangers of eating and drinking behind the wheel.Smoking, however, may fall into...

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Woman driving a car

New Orleans Reckless Driving Accident: What Next

A driver who engages in reckless driving and causes an accident can be held responsible for damages the accident caused, including medical expenses and repairing or replacing damaged or destroyed property. Depending on several circumstances, including the size of the vehicles inv...

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Toy car on a piece of paper

Should I Take the First Offer of a Car Insurance Settlement?

After a car accident, getting a good settlement and getting it fast can rise to the top of your priority list in a hurry. You have bills you need to pay. Your medical costs do not get less expensive as time goes on. Worse, you may not have your usual source of income as you recov...

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