Should You Call Stewart J. Guss and His Attorneys Now? Yes!
The clock is ticking. Louisiana law doesn’t give car accident victims much time to pursue compensation in court. Louisiana’s statute of limitations only gives injured victims one year from the date of their accident to file a claim if a negligent or reckless driver injured them. If you wait too long, a judge might dismiss your case entirely.
To protect your rights and begin building your case, the team of Baton Rouge accident lawyers at Stewart J. Guss, Personal Injury Lawyers, need to hear from you as soon as possible.
One year might sound like a lot of time, but before you know it, a year has passed since your accident, you’re still injured and in pain, and you’ve forfeited your right to pursue a lawsuit.
That means NO compensation for your medical expenses and NO money to compensate you for the pain and suffering that someone else has caused you.
Unfortunately, your struggles won't tug at the heartstrings of insurance companies... but a lawsuit might get their attention.
Protecting your right to bring a lawsuit is vital to achieving a fair and reasonable settlement. Pick up the phone and call us today.
Rest assured, we will move quickly and aggressively to protect your rights, preserve evidence, and maximize the leverage you have with an insurance company. Don’t miss out; get the settlement you deserve for your injuries!